Belt - Indiska, Shoes - Vintage
I went to the hairdesser the other day to fix my roots (I know, this comes as a real chock but I was actually not born platinum blonde :) and to get a slight tone of colour adjusted. Something got a bit wrong perhaps since my hair got an undertone of soft pink. But I catually like it! Sadly it will dissappear after wash or two...
A happy accident. Maybe there's a strawberry/platinum blonde rinse out there somewhere!
Hi, (Szia ;) )
You are beautiful!
xoxo: Janet
The pink does look cute...I was blonde for a year or so, it's hard to get it just right sometimes! You make me miss being blonde.....
Sal : I was thinking about the same thing but I'm afraid my hair would react quite strongly to any toned rinse since it's so dry...But I will check some out!
Janet : Köszi :D
Q's Daydream : I'm alwyas tempted to go dark but I know I'd miss the blonde at some point...
Your hair looks wonderful.
(It always does, though!)
I've been thinking about paying a visit to the hairdresser's for about a month or so.
Maybe next week..
Very beautiful! I love your hair even with a touch of pink :)
That does sound like a nice accident. Beautiful hair in any way and I love your dress!
Haha! Nice! :)
how cute strawberry blond!
LOL, cute!
It looks pretty! :) And I love that dress.
I'm glad you like it, it would have been a nightmare otherwise. As a hair designer myself, I wonder how that could have happened. When toning to platinum, a ash (blue or purple) color is used. Maybe there was a touch of red dye left on the brush or in the bottle or bowl. I think it looks pretty though. Kinda fun to have something a little bit different if only for a few days. Nice dress too!!
You really do look lovely dear
With your soft, light pink skin that pink hair doesen't look bad at all... But I know how messy it is with platinum blone-dyeing!
As long as it isn't green och grey it's ok...;)
The perfect shade of blonde can be tricky sometimes! If you have ever gone darker though (I think we have all made and regretted that mistake) you know an off shade of blonde is better than the perfect shade of brown! I always say my soul is blonde.
I am passing along the Kreative Blogger award to you! Stop by my blog to check it out!
Pink hair is the best! I had it twice and it was amazing.
I love it. It is really subtle and it looks great! I love that dress, too.
My hair can get pink or purple too when i wash my hair with silvershampoo, Red ken for exemple, the hair gets a little bit pink if you leave it in too long, but then disapear after a wash or two..
it's lucky it's pink. the green is awful. i think because there's always the risk of green when dyeing platinum i wouldn't dare... i'd be the unlucky one! it looks really nice though! and so does the outfit, btw.
well, i have to say i like it.. :.)
total shock - that is not your natural haircolour!?!? :)
Your hair always look fab - a little pink makes it even better
Very pretty.
You can't really notice the pink in your hair, but you look gorgeous as usual!
Have a nice evening!
Mademoiselle M.
I love the little bit of pink in your hair. A girlfriend has the same thing with her toner, and ends up with a hint of lilac - it's so pretty!
You look gorgeous as always :)
Haha, in på finlands motsvarighet till blue fox bara så fixar det sig fort ;)
Skämt åsido kanske, men jag måste bara få säga, DU ÄR JU HELT GALET SÖT!
Pretty PIrate : I know, it is a bit strange. NOrmally I think the stuff in my hair has been lilac-bklue but I though it looked more peachy this time so maybe she just put the wrong colour mix or so...
Lady Red : Oh thank you! I will go check it out!
Anna : tack tack, nu internet-rodnar jag igen :)
I was wondering how you go about with your beautiful hair sets in the winter? I had this problem today, couldn't fit a hat on top without ruining my curls. So I used a shawl. Looked more like a "påskkärring" than a movie star though... Any bright ideas?
Sofia : I use my beret since it's not too tight but if I have a bigger do I use a shawl too. YOu just have to wrap it the right way not to go all babushka/påskkärring :)FIrst I put it on top of my head and then around my neck like a normal scarf. I think you avoid the "gumma-look" if you let a bit of the hair show up front. And have red lips!:D
Hehe... I'll try that. ;D
Sofia : I forgot to add, somtimes I make kind of a turban by folding a scarf/shawl on my head too, it's good for some do's.Just fold it as a triangle (leave the top pf the triangle on the top of your head, tie the scarf from the back to the fromt and tie it tighether at the back again and fold the top pf the triangle in under the scarf in the front. Umm, I wonder if I made it sound simple or not). If it's a nice scarf (like, black) you won't look like a cleaning lady :)
Ok, I think I get it. :) Maybe I should try that some time.
Today we had snow caos here and my bf convinced me to take the bike. I looked like a panda monster when I finally arrived at work. Hair all wet and messed up. :( Atleast he called to say he was sorry. ;D
i love your hair! It's always s wavy!
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