Tuesday 13 April 2010


Last weekend we went to a wedding on the Åland Islands (which feels pretty much like going abroad- to Sweden - only you're not, you're still in Finland. Sort of).

As you shouldn't dress to outshine the bride I gave it a go at outshining the cake instead - with lots of pink fluff! Thinking cotton candy, strawberry whipped cream...

Not fluff all the way though; first I had to fix the fact that I had laid my rollers bad the day before - stupid foam rollers that won't stay in place. I even slept with them on all well tucked into a scarf goddamit and I got a fluffy cotton candy head! (Which wasn't really the point with what I mentioned earlier as I was more thinking pink fluff in clothing, not hair...)

(Of course it was no real problem, only a change of plan; moments later hair was fixed and fluff was in the right places and right places only.)

This picture could be called "Ah, its so fun posing on the hotel balcony" but instead it's "my hair is partly baby-pink nowadays, see?" Because cotton candy is OK for hair if we're talking colour, not texture.Or that's what I'd say.

And you know what? The wedding cake actually was pink!
(I won, I had more fluff on me than it did :)

And the outfit;
Dress - this one (Queen of hearts from ModCloth). The petticoat is Vivien of Holloway (amazingly soft and fluffy).
Shoes - these ones, my Christmas gift Parikka's.
The bag is from Stockmann's, the pearls are vintage.

And it's only part of my fringe that's pink. Yet.


Lacey said...

It's hard to believe that you don't outshine everyone no matter where you are. :)

Mosquito Head Madchen said...

Oh my God... you were awesome!! I don't know why it is that everytime I have to be reaaaally beautiful and I plan everything accurately (like a wedding, for example) it all ends up wrong and I feel ugly, badhaired.. It didn't happen to you, though.. I admire that sooo much!!


Catarina Paulino said...

Very beautiful pictuere. I love pink...kis kiss

Madeline Veenstra said...

Gorgeous! I love the little bits of pinking popping through :)

Libertad said...

You look really fabulous, and those pink shoes are simply perfect!

DW said...

I'm a guy but i really love your writings and your style. You are so gorgeous!

melina bee said...

gorgeous is right! I'm so jealous of platinum blondes because its so easy for you to just add a touch of cotton candy pink to your hair! it looks so fabulous! That picture of you smiling really big is precious.
melina bee

Kat said...

you look awesome! I know want a big fluffy pink petticoat.

Malayka said...

Love the whole outfit from top to toe! And candy floss coloured hair looks almost as good as candy floss itself (and I do love candy floss a whole lot!). x

stephanie said...

I think I said that before, but I'm thinking it's ok to remind you: you look lovely in pink!

Felicia_Ceballos said...

every time you wear those shoes I love them more

Anonymous said...

how do you put in rollers to achieve this kind of effect with your hair? it looks lovely and instantly retro, and i'd like to try it!

Rhia said...

You definetly nailed it =) Looking at the petticoat it brings to my mind those dancing competitions where women are wearing with lots of pink feathers, generous and fluffy petticoats and lots of sparkle. Lovely outfit for a wedding.

WendyB said...

I'm glad you showed that cake who's boss!

Frollein von Sofa said...

ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL !! And I love your wide and bright smile...!

Gina Americana said...

You look amazingly beautiful! Seriously!

Gina Americana said...

P.S. It's funny that you write that you feel like you're going abroad but you're still in Finland. When I go to Åland I feel exactly the opposite: like I'm still in Sweden, but actually I'm abroad in Finland! It never really occurs to me until I have to pay in Euros. I love Åland...especially Sandö!

sonicare 4100 said...

Yeah, you look amazingly beautiful, ... beautiful dress and it's great to share..

I know little about Finland

Andrea Eames said...

You look lovely! The cake must have been jealous.

Anonymous said...

Such class!
The cake never stood a chance.

JT said...

You looked stunning!

Helga said...

Freakin' love this look!!!

Andi B. Goode said...

Eee! I love this outfit. Especially the petticoat. You could beat any cake any day. =D
-Andi x

Esz said...

Amazing!! The pink is soooo gorgeous and that petticoat is darling :-D I really want one of those actually!

Anaïs said...

The pettycoat! The shoes! Normally I'm not so fond of pink but I really like this outfit!

Pernilla said...

That's the prettiest dress I've ever seen!

Sally said...

Oletko leikannut hiuksesi? :o

Anonymous said...

Holy moly, doll, you look RAVISHING!

Dave Feucht said...

The petticoat is amazing - that's a fantastic detail. The whole cut and style of the dress is wonderful too.

I don't remember if you've ever smiled with so many teeth showing on the blog before :)

Also, congratulations on your victory, I'm sure the cake was properly surprised to be defeated, but I have no doubt that you deserved the victory :)

Jen said...

Så vacker! <3

Diva said...

You look like cotton candy ! ;)

esme and the laneway said...

Absolutely AMAZING!!!

stephanie said...

Hey, I really need a new pink lipstick and the one you're using here (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_26yvOW5x3Hw/S6AmvwuERtI/AAAAAAAAC8k/Dm9hbZQvrVM/s1600-h/sailorcherry-2.jpg) is just what I'm looking for. What lipstick is that? Is it Mac?

Or is it a combination of shades to get the perfect lips?

Thank you in advance!

Cheryl Lynn Pastor said...

This is a beautiful look. The pink is phenomenal. Wonderful nostalgia!

Have a great day!

The Freelancer's FashionBlog said...

Thank you all for the nice comments :)

I didn't cut my hair, it's only curled and pinned together plus rolled on a rat for a short fake bob look!

Anonymous said...

What a good idea to wear the same baby pink color with your shoes and the petticoat, I love it !

Unknown said...

The best feature of your outfit is your smile.... smiles sometimes outshine no matter who !!!

AlicePleasance said...

You look amazing! I'm in love with the shoes and I definitely must buy a crinoline like this to pair with my Vivien of Holloway dress!!!

Asian wholesale clothing said...

Thanks for your sharing

Dotti said...

You look delicious indeed, girl!

Roxy said...

I see you rolled and pinned your hair to achieve a bob look, and i'm looking for the same effect for a wedding i have coming up to attend. Could you give me some pointers on how you did it? Yours looks absolutely stunning.

The Freelancer's FashionBlog said...

Eeteen : FIrst, have your hair in the front/bangs rolled in about three standing pincurls (the way I do a lot nowadays, like in my latest post about the trip to Tallinn for exaple) and brush them out and form into suitable waves.

You should have the rest of the hair curled too, then roll it up with a rat (like I do in this tutorial : http://freelancersfashion.blogspot.com/2008/08/hairdos-3-all-rolled-up.html). You can leave the hair on the sides rather loose; roll the rat tight in the middle but looser on the sides, but secure the roll well. I stick in two big clips in the end of the roll on both sides, they won't show as they "disappear" into the curls, as well as some bobby pins were needed. Style the hair on the sides with your fingers to lay the curls like you desire. Spray and that's it!

Roxy said...

Oh thank you! you are such a doll! I will have to send you a picture of the finished result

Karin said...

This outfit is SOOOOOOOOOO amazing.