Sunday 2 May 2010


Hope you all had a nice Valborg and first of May!

(I spent mine drinking, eating and picnicking -as usual, only this year in rather freezing weather- so today has been spent in bed.)

((My hair flower is made by Rascal Kosher and the dress is Trashy Diva, not the one I originally intended to get, the one I wanted was sold out, this is the Country Club dress instead and it's probably their best dress!Much better in real life than on the site.))


Anonymous said...

This dress looks amazing! - fashion, beauty and lifestyle.x

Cat said...

I adore your dress:)

Happy May to you as well!

this is cyclogenesis said...

Lovely picture! I'm dying over the petticoat layers. :)

smilla said...


Jenni said...

I love this dress. I've been eying it up myself. Love it with the petticoat!

Riikka said...

What an adorable photo of you!

Hope you had a great Vappu. :)

Q's Daydream said...

Happy May! and this is such an adorable picture!

Emma said...

This picture is adorable!

Silje said...

Eyeing some of the TD-dresses myself now, and all because of your wonderful blog. How are the sizes? That is compared to the size guide. I find it difficult to choose whether to go for a size that is too big in the bust or the waist...

Fia Kilbourn said...

Gorgeous dress! Cute picture.

Cheryl Lynn Pastor said...

Beautiful dress. Love the colors! Sweet photo, too!

Hope you feel better.

CherryRosie said...


melina bee said...

fun pink petticoats! I'm sure the Alice comments are just waiting out there... I am also very into flowers by the ear these days.

Mrs Munster said...

You look so suitable for spring time with the delicious colour scheme of the outfit. Supercute!

Jitterbugdoll said...

The perfect look for May!

I have that dress as well and it's one of my favorite Trashy Divas :-)

Rebecca said...

and the petticoat?

The Freelancer's FashionBlog said...

Thank you thankyou ladies :)

Silje : I'm between a 6 and 8 and have mostly gone for the 8, the measurements on the page are accurate. I don't think the little extra around the bust matters, but since the cotton does not stretch it can get a little tight around the waist if you go for the smaller. I have done that too, and it's not too tight, but you can't eat a lot then :) You can always do like I; add a ribbon in the back to chinch in the waist, like explained here:
I've done so to one dress and it works well, might not fit all models of course...

Rebecca : this one:
from Vivien of Holloway!

Angel said...

I love the floaty petticoat!!!

tam said...

Wow your dress!!!!!! Love it x x

Betsy said...

Hi Ulrika! Just to say you look absolutely adorable in that dress!! Hope you are well.

Love, Betsy.