Friday, 17 December 2010


You know this time of year I tend to start dressing up in colours inspired by the holidays... (and damn I was blonde last year!)

I'm going all red this year in my new pinafore skirt, from Vivien of Holloway! And I think it's perfect.

If you consider buying (my discount code still runs until the end of this month, if you still haven't taken advantage of it...), note that I got one size bigger than normally, to be able to fit anything underneath. Or well first I didn't, I had to exchange it - the larger size still has a good fit and feels nice with a little extra room, especially in winter when too tight clothing can make you cold. (There you go, some minor words of wisdom from me again).

The shirt is also VoH. (And, yes, for those who remember me thinking about it, I will most likely get the other one too, later.)

Good night!


Lisa Inglis said...

You mistletoe minx, you.
I love the jaffa? painting there beside you. Who did that?

looking lovely!


Anonymous said...

I don't know what I want more. You're house....or your wardrobe.

The Freelancer's FashionBlog said...

Lisa : I have been meaning to post about those as I wrote about the Jaffa posters a long time ago ( They are made by Eric Bruun!

Bluemoondame : I think it will be easier to get the same wardrobe :D

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous!!! You wear it so well!!! And i totally agree about your decor! You really have the eye for it!
I adore the poster too :)


Emma said...

Jag äääälskar den affären! Jag var i London nu i helgen och shoppade loss där :) Dock var rätt mycket utplockat i min stl, så får kanske utnyttja din rabatt ;) Du var jättevacker i kjolen!

Take care, and merry christmas!
Kram Emma

Penny Dreadful Vintage said...

Ooh gorgeous. I really love this, now you have tempted me! I am another big fan of your house interior, it looks amazing (the atomic clock is fab).

Mrs Munster said...

What a gorgeous skirt. In a way very casual looking but those heels make it work for any occasion.

pinupcandy said...

Great skirt!! I prefer you in this hair colour. Best wishes

Elena said...

I want your wardrobe. I like it. I like red.

pumps & luiers said...

so fun - it has this though but also poilshed look - like the hot 'working' look

bunny said...

Red suits you, definitly!!


mispapelicos said...

You look wonderful in blonde and so do you in red hair. I doubt very much that outfit could be pulled off that well but anybody else but you my friend.

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