Wednesday 27 July 2011


I used to listen quite much to Amy Winehouse a few years ago, before she became a tabloid wreck, then she sort of slipped my mind. When people start becoming famous for something else than they originally did you tend to forget what they were all about in the beginning. I kind of fancied Amy not only because she was a good singer but also since she was cool and had a genuine style that was very much her own.

And as with all of the others in the club, every now and then it strikes me how young they actually were when they left. Especially now that I'm older than that myself.


Cup Of Kitten Tea said...

Its devastating, isnt it? how someone who appears to have everything, Love , fortune, status, can be so lost in addiction. She turned everything into romance, like a true artist should xxx

Sarah Jane said...

I loved the album Frank when it came out as it was so fresh and raw but like many others, I quickly lost interest when she became a tabloid joke. It's sad how behaviour like that totally overshadows the music and the personality

The Freelancer's FashionBlog said...

Cup of Kitten Tea : sometimes if felt like she trashed her self on purpose, because that had become who she was. But of course I have no idea if that's true or not.

Lucy Nation : yes, Or, I did never loose interest in her because of the way she became something to shake ones head or raise an eyebrow to, you know "what the hel is she doing, oh my" and I guess I just stopped thinking about her and her music at some point.

Pia said...

Joo, det var tråkigt men inte direkt oförväntat men med norge och det här tycker jag det varit lite väl mycket av the bad news just nu :(. Jag tror att Amy speciellt var ganska viktig för många kvinnor, eftersom hon hade en egen stil och sjöng om saker många kanske kunde relatera till. R.I.P! <3


I can't believe it, despite some saying they saw it coming. Such a shame, so talented. There was something different about her, that's why I liked her.

Caroline said...

Ja Det är verkligen tråkigt. Även om jag tvivlar på att hon hade släppt fler särskilt bra album, och att hennes uppträdanden var katastrofala är det sorgligt med en så speciell människa med en verkligen mäktig röst. Läste en fin text som Russel Brand hade skrivit, och då verkar det som hon varit missbrukare längre än sin karriär.