Sunday 6 January 2013


We took a day trip to one of those small towns by the sea, one of the typical ones with old wooden houses, a church square and ships and other nautical parnaphelia in the windows.


Frollein von Sofa said...

your son is so very cute...he has the same pondering eyebrows like his dad !

Heather said...

Oh wow, what a frosty and beautiful place! Your photos really capture its still beauty well.

Natalia L. said...

What a beautiful place!! Loving the window with a ship photo!

Girls that glitter love the dark

Leah / Super Starling! said...

I'm loving the liquid gorgeousness of these photos ... they're almost paintings. My favorite is the one with the ship. Wow.

Mama D said...

The photo of Dag is very cute!

Ina - Years Since Yesterday said...

Spring snow and midwinter light... Promising or just depressing? :)

Zuzana said...

TOTALLY, but really TOTALLY amazing photos. I can feel the atmosphere of everything there in the pics! Great work!

Mom To Chef said...

Cute Photo belle

Kati said...

So cute how Dag is looking out of his little den!

Nika Chick said...

Beautiful pictures. Is it cold outside?

Anonymous said...

This town must be Ekenäs, am I right?

Maritha said...

Kära gamla goa Eknäääs... :) Hälsningar från en Ekenäsbo som sedan länge är en trogen läsare av din blogg men mest i det tysta. Borde skarpata lite och bli bättre på att kommentera! :)

Miss Rascal said...

G*d va mysigt!

maggie said...

I follow your blog since a while, and your photos really makes me travel , you live in an amazing place, thank you for sharing all this beautiful moments !

Ginger said...

wow!! beautiful <3

The Freelancer's FashionBlog said...

Jepp, Ekenäs it was :)

And it wasn't cold temperature wize but very raw so to say.

Wengie said...

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thank you.

Calgary Custom Home Builder said...

Wow, beautiful photographs! Truly wonderful. My only advice would be to experiment with slanted photographs more until you can keep a centralized aesthetic despite the off-kilter image. Your slanted photographs here aren't the best; the rest blow my mind! Well done. :)

The Freelancer's FashionBlog said...

Calgary : thanks. These photos were taken with my phone during a walk in cold weather so the ones by the sea were really just snapped and given less thought than would I have been shooting with a proper camera. I find it tricker with the phone!

Abhijeet Kumar said...

WOW! Very beautiful place! and very nice picture superb

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