Think of tattooed ladies portraid in old photos, siamese twin beauties, strong men, lions, ballerinas , sideshow freaks and snake women, romanticised versions of gypsies (ehrm, or to be more exact; Johnny Depp in The Man Who Cried. Think of some artwork of for example Johanna Öst, the Tv series Carnivale, Burton's Big Fish...
So when I went to see the circus I dressed up a little bit with a circus princess on my mind (even though I doubt anyone actually payed any attention to it) - as many bows as possible, a puffy skirt, a patterned hairband and switching my basic black makeup (happens very rarely) for some electric blue, gold and purple.

But to be honest, if I would have lived a hundred years ago and joined a circus (I would have done so even if there wouldn't have been a horseman-Depp hangin around :) I might not actually have been so much of a circus prima ballerina princess then. I think I would have been more of a tattooed acrobatic snake lady , the knife-thorwers partner or a musterious oh-so-good-at-faking it clairvoyant. Who knows.
Woah... something strange happened to your blog layout :)
There is something very magical, mysterious and intriguing about the circus... something almost sinister, but in a way that makes you want to know what's going on there.
Carnivale and Big Fish are both amazing visual pieces... they have such distinct, beautiful and memorable styles.
Well, if you ever suddenly disappear from the blogging world, we'll know where you've gone :)
Melancholic Optimist : umm yes I chamged it a bit and everything was fine until I posted... The layout should work now but I still need to fix some bugs in the code I guess but I'm not really sure where i messed up :P
I really enjoyed Carnivale, sad they only ever made two seasons. And only one was aired in Finland.
Ahhh, Johnny depp in Man Who cried. I love that film despite everyone always slagging it off. I wish that circus would like the old days. Bring back the bearded lady :)
I have a thing for circuses too especially the ones from the early 1900s (like Tod Brownings "freaks"). I recently made a post about the "Circus Museum" which is the Netherlands’ largest collection of circus memorabilia, every kind of poster from the circus world, and they are for sale!
I love your pics... I think exactly the same things about circus.
when i was young, i wanted to be a trapeze artist !
I'm absolutely sure that you have been the circus first attraction: The DIVA.
By the other hand... you have a prize in my blog!!!
OK, I've never heard of "The Man Who Cried," but I've DEFINITELY got to check it out now ...
Mrs.Munster : yes surely it's not the greatest movie of all time but hey, it has JOhnny as a hot gypsy there so who cares :D ? Plus it had quite a nice atmosphere otherwise too.
Mothersvea : I haven't had the time to check out blogs properly. Must go rawed you post soon :)
Oriane : I would be a little scared to swing in the trapeze though...
Alicvwe : Oh thank you, will go check it out :)
Sal : yes, I think it's worth cheking out!
I also never heard of the "The Man Who Cried". I think I will check it out this weekend.. But I gave you 2 awards! They're on my blog
Sam : Oh wow, two! Thank you :)
Haha, guess I'm not the only one who loves your blog! I gave you an award today too!! :)
Jess : Well thank you!
Circus are Fun!!I love your style!!you are one of my faves here and in modepass:)
First: what a beautiful smile you have!
How about the trapeeze?! We have a local performance troupe called "Wise Fool" and they teach rope dancing, trapeeze, balancing, fire (poi) juggling and other circus talents! You would love it! Maybe there's a similar group where you live...?
You're perfectly dressed for the circus. And the cotton candy just completed it... Kisses.
Carnivale is the best series of all times.
I love your hair and your top, very casual but oh so pretty.
You´re beautiful. Love your eyes makeup.
Love the circus too - but one without animals - always feel sorry for the animals who have to parade for people and then get stuck in a cage
Doll Legs : thank you :)
Hope505 : Thanks. Maybe there is yes. But I guess I'd have to stick with acrobacy on the ground, I'm a little bit too much of a chicken for the trapeze I guess... (or then I'll just put in some circus elements in my burlesque performance to cover my craving in that way :)
Dotti, Little Rascal & Miss Urbanita : thank you darlings
Sueper : That's so true. But in Finland I think it's forbidden to have any other animals on circuses than horses and dogs, which is good.
That's funny, I only just heard of the Man who Cried on Sunday when I saw it (the box) at my friend's house... it looks cool. I like all the old circus imagery stuff too...
And I love your bow and make up!
Esme : That's quite the coincidence :) And thanks!
yeah, we were so disappointed to get to the end of the second season of Carnivale, and have it end on such an un-resolved note... it was still great to watch though.
happy friday! (or early Saturday morning for you) :)
My goodness your smile is delightful. Please smile everyday!
You must check out this site then:
So very cool.
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