I'm not usually not much for contests and stuff but if I find myself in one it would of course be nice to, well, win or something.
So if you find me nice and fabulous and stylish and all that why don't go on and put in a little vote for me in the Supermelons Best Real Style Contest?
Time's until December 19th!
Thanks in advance, heheh :)
EDIT : ...but in order to vote you have to register first. You'll get a membership to The Supermelon then, but they won't start sending you any emails or such though.
I voted for you. :)
I love a lot of the other people there and I have a lot of their blogs bookmarked, but honestly, I always check yours first. :)
Keep up the amazing blog and good luck!
Oh thank you Danielle, that's so sweet, really!
I so love the pallete of these dress
Hei, miksiköhän en onnistunut äänestämään em. kilpailussa :(? Onko muille käynyt näin? Ei ottanut rastia, ja vote-kohta oli harmaana.
Anybody? Any idea why I couldn't vote in the competition, is it my computer maybe?
Having the same problem voting as Joy. What a pain. Was going to vote for you and the French girl with the gorgeous studded boots.
i've tried to vote, but it didn't work... :.(
Thank you all for trying at least :) I noticed that there's something strange there...maybe it has to do with the browser or so?
I voted for you baby! :)
xoxo: Janet
Janettetaylor : Thank you dear :)
I tried to vote, but I had the same problem with the grey boxes. :/
(Maybe that site just hates MacBooks.)
You have my vote!
Love, Betsy.
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