Thursday, 3 July 2008


Sneakers - Vintage Nokia's, a gift from J some years ago

So, I'm going away for the weekend, or well, half of the weekend, with one of the companies I'm employed at. (To be honest I'm not employed at that many companies anymore. Or I am, but actually only work for this one nowaday, and with my own business of course). Anyway, this is the annual summerparty hosted in southern Estonia at a place with a great beach and lots of small cottages in the surrounding woods. I've been there the two past years too and it's been a lot of fun, a lot of mixed people (everything from seamen, harbourworkers to office chicks and waitresses. It's a big company) and a lot to drink.

But the thing is, what to wear, what to wear.

We're out in the woods and there are only small paths and a sandy road in the area. Now if I want to I can be very practic and casual. If I want to. Most of the time I don't. Practical yes maybe, casual, njaaah. There's a lot of being outdoors-playing-stupid-games and hanging at the beach all day. But there's also a restaurant and club at the area (that you also have to walk to along a damn small uneven path!) and it's not that posh but it's not all flipflops either.

So I don't want to go there totally turbocherry, but not all bimbo-wearing-heels-in-the-woods either. Hmmm. And let's not forget the the fact that I also have to pack according to the weather. You know, if it get's cold or starts raining or so.

Oh, I should just take example of the guys who I'm going there with - jeans and a t-shirt (maybe one extra shirt to go), that's it - they'll eat and sleep and get drunk in that and go home the next day a little shabby but hey that's life.

But what do you do when you just want to try and look really good all the time?*sigh*

EDIT: You know what,uh, I'll just pack my little sailor dress and leatherjacket with me and my chucks with a cherry lining (and sneak in a pair of low heels too just in case). Might have to take that little sailorhat with me also in case things get really wild...


Anonymous said...

Ugh! I totally feel your pain, about always wanting to lok good, but trying to dress casually enough to have fun and be active, i alsways feel so shabby in jeans and a t-shirt :( Show us what you do end up wearing, It would be interesting to see.

The Freelancer's FashionBlog said...

Heather . phew, nice to know I'm not the only one :) Yup, I'll try to post soemthing later on yes.

Mrs Munster said...

I hate going away from my wardrobe. It's so difficult to pack and trying decide what I wanna wear in 5 days time! On top of that take the weather in to consideration. That sailor dress of yours is really sassy! All I can say is WOW!

annabananna said...

i feel you, too! and think your dress idea is perfect! have a great weekend!

Julia said...

You look great!

Unknown said...

I just found your blog and I'm loving it. Your drawings are quite amazing and feminine...and I love your style too.

Anonymous said...

i miss you dear.
come back soon!


Dotti said...

Perfect idea, little cherry.

Sinead said...

You have the coolest style :)
I love it. I also love your hairstyle and will be trying it out myself!

Times of Glory said...

Sorry for the belated reply! I have been really busy these few days, sorry! Have a great trip! It sounds so fun! Sailor dress is great - practical and stylish!

P.S. My boyfriend took the photos for me, dear xxxxx

The Freelancer's FashionBlog said...

Julia : thank you

Turquoise passion : Oh thank you, I'm glad you like it!

Vintage Darling : Oh sweetie I wan't gone for long, back already ;D

Sinead : thanks and good luck trying out the hair :)

Anonymous said...

OMG! i love these shoes i don't think they are still available because they are from a few years ago but they are so awesome. U have any idea if these are available anywhere?


The Freelancer's FashionBlog said...

Anonymous : they were vintage Nokias from a thrift store. In the end I had to throw them away because I totally wore them out.