One day maybe we will be able to transfer pheromones and molecules somehow through picture and video for us to percept scents, feeling and temperature. Then these pics would bring you the scent of meadow flowers and hey, sweet wild strawberries that are everywhere along the road, but also the heavy smell of manure. (It smells quite a lot around those live cows. But I think they are rather nice anyway).

The dress is vintage, found at the summercottage.
It came home with me.
It looks wonderful! You look like you're taken from a 40's commercial for butter or something. You know, pretty girl with healthy-telling pink cheeks among cows and beautiful flowers;)
I have to admit that I'm quite countryside-romantic... I love to dress in pretty dresses when I'm at our summerhouse, walk along the roads picking flowers and then put them on the table when I'm serving freshly baked cinnamon buns with homemade "flädersaft". I can't help it, but I love how I really can become a housewife there.
(without doing the dishes, because granpa always takes that when I have been so good! :D)
Miriam : thanks, that waws kind of the feeling I was after too. Butter or oatmeal ad (we have this classic oatmeal "eloveena"-girl over here). I know what you mean with those housewify things and dressing up nicely. I lie it too, but I have to confess, most of the time in the counrtyside I end up being lazy, nreading old magazies in the shabbiest clothes I have...
Amazing pictures! You look great, I agree with the comment about healthy rosey cheeks. Cool!
Dear, you look totally FANTASTIC! A cute, sweet and chic outfit! So editorial! The photos ROCK xxxxxxxxx
Esme : thanks. It must be my fantastic six days of Detox that has mad my cheecks glow again ;)
Times of Glory : Thank you! I'm so happy about my new camera because it takes sooo much better pictures than the ones I've used before!
You hair is PERFECT! And that dress is fantastic.
Gosh you look so happy, practically glowing! Nice to see some countryside photos from a city girl. And what an amazing dress find!
so i just looked through a bunch of your old posts and its safe to say that you are quite possibly the most inspirational girl when it comes to hair that i've ever seen. and i don't say that lightly ! hahah
You look adorable! I love your hair and the pictures are darling. Maybe this country girl can get to a city soon! ^_^
gorgeous photo's! I especially love the one with the cows, it looks very surreal. Your dress reminds me of my mom's wedding dress, the print at least. It was alot more 70's and maxi, but i always loved the gingham. I posted some close up's of the fringe purse for you! ;)
These photos are so freaking sweet! You are a proper "Eloveena"-girl!
Thris dress is perfect for a day out in the countryside.
Aivan todella ihania kuvia!<3 Tähän aikaan aamusta en jaksa kirjoittaa englanniksi.:)
Wonderful pictures. Makes me wanna go to the countryside. But hey, a cubicle in an office in the city isnt that bad either. Hm.
I love you´re dress! How come the nicest dresses were designed decades ago? =0)
Ja, vi måste också betala momsen på varorna. Det är 25% i sverige. Men när klänningen var så billig så blir det bara 50:- extra. Lätt värt det =0.) Oftast så ringer tullen till beställaren så betalar man direkt, sen skickas paketet hem i posten. Ganska lättvindigt.. Man måste ju bara älska den låga dollarn, som sagt. Kram!
love the dress and the photographs too n_n
Lovely photos.
These photos are beautiful. Your photos are always lovely, of course ;) , but these are especially so! Gorgeous!
never seen your blog before but your pictures are great as is your unique style!
I LOVE your photos in this post!!! And your hair I always think it looks impecable and fantastic, in theese photos it's even more perfect than ever!
Jag håller med de andra, du ser fantastisk ut, dessa bilder är mer än söta. Klänningen, håret och omgivningen i perfekt harmoni.
Thank you all for the comments :)
Darling Ulrika, I'm so so so in love with that post. It's exactly how I imagine the perfect version of my life... Kisses.
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