Tuesday, 24 June 2008


I'm featured (or, actually, my tattoos are) in the latets number of Scandinavian Tattoo Magazine. It's quite many months ago since the pictures were taken so my skin is not up-to-date there so to say.... Well, the article isn't exactly high-class journalism and I'm shot from a really strange angle that makes me look both younger and older than I am at the same time, (I can't really decide whicc one it is) but it's quite funny anyway.


WendyB said...

I think it's a great photo!

The Freelancer's FashionBlog said...

Wandy B: maybe I feel odd about it only because it shot from an angle I'm not used to...

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

That's cool. You've got a lot of great ink on you. ^_^

Gratistotal said...


anna said...

ooh, I have to check that magazine somewhere! To have a closer look, you know (now that sounds creepy and stalkerish! didn't mean to :)

tiiti said...

although i consider myself way too nerdy and lame to read the magazine, you (and your tattoos) look absolutely awesome :)

mateo said...

I love your tattoos, and I agree with wendyb - it's a great picture of you!

Anonymous said...

I tagged you!

Anonymous said...

it's really a great pic of you and your tattoos are amazing...

Bex said...

Nice tats.

Anonymous said...

Do you know bodimodifications.net? Maybe you should join! Elsa

annabananna said...

congrats! i really like the "oldschool" vibe about your tattoos!

Lil' Puch said...

You are such a celebrity!!
Fantastic pics, love the tribal on your lower back...

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Nice tattoos, do you design them yourself?

Love, Betsy.

ina said...

yes. Finally! =)

Mrs Munster said...

Wow! Celebrity :) I don't think I'll be able to get that magazine here, but congrats for it anyway. You've got great looking tattoos.

Désirée said...

You have georgeous tatoos!

The Freelancer's FashionBlog said...

ONce again, thank you all.

Anna : hahaha! Dont' worry, it didn't sound that creepy

A Red Lipstick : ok, I'll get on with that soon

Elsa : I'll check it out

Betsy : Yes I've drawn them all myself but I've let the tattoo atrist modify them a bit if needed. The sakura (cherry blossoms) and the swallow I only made really quick sketches of and let Andy (that's the man with the needle) do the rest.

Ina : but it didn't make the cover, as they said it might have...

Anonymous said...

Did you make all tattoos from the same artist? Who is it?

The Freelancer's FashionBlog said...

Mothersvea : I've made all of them with the same artist except for the first one and the mermaid which was made with a bamboo stick in Thailand. 'My' artist is SailorAndy, he works at LegacyTattoo here in Helsinki.

Candice DeVille said...

What fun! You're super famous now. ;) wink

Lil Midget said...

Hey hey! Pretty cool!!

Anonymous said...
