First I'll show the most simple way I do it and also the one that stays longest without falling apart. It's a retro inspired hairdo and a very simplified version of victory rolls, by using combs or clips, instead of rolls as in the true version.
I always fix my bangs/fringe first. Before I used to curl it by rolling it up on a small brushed curler/roll and let it stay in for some time, but now I always curl it with my straightener. First I curl the sides, then the middle. Done with the straightener my bangs lasts for the whole day without any hairspray!

Then i take the side section of the hair and twist it backwards and up. If you're not lazy like me you separate the section with a comb or so to get the parting straight.

Secure it with a comb or a hairclip. With combs you can puff the hair quite high. You might have to sleek the side with spray or a little wax. (In this pic I use a comb but in the later pics I've fastened my hair with a pair of black clips with small roses on).

Sometimes I just curl the ends of my hair and leave it loose like this .

Or then I roll it up int a simple knot and secure it with a few strong pins, or by pressing a big comb down in the middle.

You can do some variation to this by putting a big bow clip back, a flower to the side, or by fastening your hair with a hairnet...

Or just keep it simple as it is.

Ta-taa, hairdo number one. And it only took about three minutes to do it.

It looks great! So 40's of you... you need the long hair to do it though
Now I wish I had the hair to do this!
Desmitten & Wendy B: You can actually fix it with quite short hair too, like shoudlerlenght. The twisting can create an illusion of bigger hair... I'll do another post later on with rolls. That works for quite short too!
Super duper fab brilliant post! Your hairdo's are addictive and I might spend hours the next days to get my hair done at least a little as nice as you always manage to do. Love you for that and already looking forward to the next one...
(You look so gorgeous, by the way.)
you make it look so easy! I think I should use an hour daily to practise...
I've noticed that when hair is a little dirty, it's easier to make rolls for example. not greasy-dirty, but not justgotoutofshower-hair.
And just curling bangs makes a huge difference, I actually feel more like myself when my bangs are curled, not just straight...
(don't mind my babbling, I'm drinking a deserved beer after hard week at work, so I might be a bit tipsy :)
Oh thank you Dotti dear - I think you will learn it quite easy and I'm sure you'll make some great hairdos!
Anna : yes, my hair is also a bit too slippery when its really clean-clean. And I know what you mean, I don't want to leave the house with non-curled bangs... You go on enjoying you beer, I still have to do some work tomorrow :(
So get a bit tipsy for me too :)
You are SO beautiful.
its a marvellous look!
This is awesome! I just did a little post on it. Thanks for sharing... you look amazing!
thanks so much for that great post. my hair is way too short for this, but i just love the way it looks on you and always wondered how you do it.
You are a total pro! Is that a GHD flatiron? If it is that is what I use and I love how you can do curl just as easily as straight! Love the drawings on top of photos!
Love it! I ahve been curling my (out of control loooooong!) fringe for a few weeks now, but need a lot more practice. You make me want to go blonde again!
This is strange. Six months blogging and I discover your blog after ALL this time. I love it! Uber cool. And your tattoos are awesome. Especially for someone who doesn't have the courage to get any of her own.
Thank you so much for sharing this!
Your hair always looks fabulous. Thanks for the tips! I really love the retro and pin up style...maybe for a night out I will try this.
you look stunning...i love love love your hairdo's!
oh it looks so greaaaaat !!!!!!
Wanna have hair like youu !!
And skin and eyes and everything ....
Ah I love hair do posts! Thank you! :D
My hair is long enough for me to attempt this. Just a few months more I shall wait.
Oh my, I just found you through Lady Smaggle and I already have a girl crush. You are stunning and creative! Nice job with your hair. I am a hair designer and I love to see people who have the skills to make beautiful creations at home. A little tip for when you say it's too clean is to give it some back combing. I need to do that when I do my hair up as well. Hairspray is also a good helper to getting the hair more ruffed up feeling. I'm so excited to have found a new, fun blog to read!!
Anonymous : oh thank you
Raquel : thanks :)
Lady Smaggle : Thank you. And what a very nice post you did!
Annabananna : ...and as you could see it was quite easy to do:)
Sublimely.tredoid : It's not GHC but a similar cheramic one from HerStyler. I really love how quick you can make curls or straighen it and how long it stays for! But it does make the ends of my hair quite dry so I have to use a lot of leave in balm...
Pratishtha Durga : well, better late than never right? Thanks, glad you like it :)
Nadine : you're welcome
TheClothesHorse: I'd love to see the pics if you do try it out!
Sariti : Thank you!
Leila: Oh, thanks. But you know, I sleep quite little and unfortunately smoke quite a lot so I am quite depending on my makeup foundation and a good light for for the photos :D
Miss Woo : Growing the hair out can be such a looong process. I had to shorten my hair quite a lot (a lot in my opinion atelast) when I cut my perm a way a couple of years ago and it took forever to get it long again.
Pretty Pirate: Than you for the nice comment and the tip :) !!
Thanks for the awesome tip. You make it look so simple. Have to give it a go though.
Great tutorial. So good of you. People have been asking me for ages to do some hair posts, but I just can't seem to find the time to get all the photos yet. I love that last shot with the hair twisted up at the back. Does it stay up like that well? I find my hair is too heavy for that so I often put it in a snood / net.
Absolutely lovely - I've never seen anything more elegant!
hihi dont be a liar, you are are a beauty of nature ;-)
SuperKawaiiMama: Yes you should definitely do one! But I know, it took some time to get the photos done since it'd be rather difficutl to et them done alone. I press the pins really hard into my hair, I'm not that sensitive, so that it does stay up quite well.
Anais : well thak you!
Leila : ok then :D
Oh god, this makes me miss my old, long hair:( You look stunning!
Fantastic post!!!!
Thanx a lot for the ideas!!
ha! Gosh, amazing post. I only wish my hair was longer :(
You are so fresh-faced and beautiful! I love the hairstyle. If only I had more than a few inches of hair. I could probably do the fringe but that might look a bit odd on its own!
Your blog is really inspiring! So great if you will do more of these. I have admired your hair-styles many times.
thank you so much for this post! your hair-styles are very inspiring. please post more hair-style tips and makeup tips.
Oh you make it look so easy!
I have those hair combs but they just slip out of my hair straight away.. my hair is too straight and thick, I need to plait it overnight or something, but then it won't have that 'sleek' look.
Realy great photos too by the way, they look so professional, I could easily see them in a magazine!
Thank you all.
I will pretty sure do some more hair post in the future... And I have to give some judos to my sister C for taking the pics, they turned ut quite well indeed!
Nuvonova : It's true that combs can fall out quite quickly. You have to pusch it from the right angle and twist it a bit to make it stay. I can't really think of a good way to explain it but if Ijust stick the comb in striaght my hair it won't stay...
Great I just cut it short! :)
I just stumbled upon your (really really great) blog through a series of links. I love it! I am so inspired by your style, and I'll definitely have to try this hair tomorrow. Also, I just spent a chunk of my paycheck at Trashy Diva...
Catherine : well post some pics if you do? :)
I've only just found your blog and the first thing I though was 'she has such beautiful hair'. The tutorial is excellent, but I fear that it will not work on my hair, as its fine and frizzy :( . But I'll try anyway though when I find the time! Anyway your style is amazing - keep it up!
i have a post about you in my blog today. i love your style, you're simply beautiful!
that looks soooo cool :-)
so pretty, my pretty!
cute blog!
I love this style! Your hair looks fab too! And I love your eyes :)) Thanks so much for sharing!
it quite nice..!
sooo cute!
This is so fabulous! I'm loving your 'do and style.
Very inspirational and stylish. Your pictures made me bring my laptop to my hairdresser on short notice. She was just as impressed as I was. I love that your style is femine and classy, but allows you to implement your personality. It's not a case of 'the hair (or the dresses) wearing you', very much the opposite.
I'm not even gonna try to recreate your lovely hairdos, because I would set myself up for failure. :-)
But I guess I'll try to do more than just the 3 looks in my repertoire. :-) Cheers, E
this is gorgeous! my hair is the same length and i'd like to try the bun you did, but how exactly did you do it? it looks more knotted/woven than a regular bun, and much tidier and more secure than what i normally end up with!
All your hairdo's look great! I have a burlesque party tonight and will probably use the next 6 hours to practice with your tutorials next to the mirror :) (No ide what I end up with, though...)
Maaike : good luck, IÄm sure you will look fabulous :)
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