I used to wear a lot of colored leg wear before and mix and match, even though I nowadays am more moderate with my tights and stockings; choosing mostly brown, grey and black or darker colours like burgundy and aubergine. For burlesque shows however I love to wear coloured fishnets for example, but more on that another time.
What I really enjoyed among the We Love Colors products was the fact that they offered socks for men in all the same colours as they offer women. I have often been searching for plain colored socks for Eddi but with the exception of some blue and red ones it's hard to find other than dark socks for men! So Eddi got to try out a coulpe of sports socks:

I think socks are a great way to spice up any outfit for a guy, add a little fun and colour to it by matching a shirt, accessory or a fine pair of shoes with the socks, or perhaps by letting the socks be a small contrasting detail to the rest. This applies to women's outfits too of course, but writing this I mostly had mens' clothing in mind, as it tends to be darker and less colorful compared to what women wear. (Ok, I know some trends lately have been very colorful for boys and men alike, but I'm thinking classic styles here, not techno hipsters or the early nineties.)

The sport socks are a quite good lenght that goes properly over the ancle and up on the calf. The colors are very bright! Colours differ from one computer screen to another, so check the name properly on the colour you want to order, neon really is neon bright :)
I love brightly colored socks on men! I think it's an easy way for even the manliest guy to look super stylish.
Over here some guy's on the rocking/vintage scene's wearing colorful glittery socks. Looks really cool.
Great post!
Men with colorful socks rock!
--Nolita Vintage--
Those socks are great! I should see if my boy would be interested in some brightly colored socks at all...
Hooow cute! :)
Hahaha! Eddi giving the finger... :D
You just gave me an idea for Christmas gifts!
Bloggers seem to be featuring more stuff about men or men's clothing these days. I actually like men who show the daredevil in them by wearing crazy coloured socks..... quirky!
wow, he manages to look good with this - when my parents met, my dad solely wore neon socks. my mum managed to train that out of him, 23 years later...
I like them.
Oh how Eddi looks sweet (pupsig)
I think a man in argyle socks is super hot-- and the same goes for really any splash of color. It's just such a nice addition to any look.
I definitely agree that mens clothes, on the whole, are far less colourful. That first picture is awesome - the orange socks look GREAT! And it's better than this trend of not wearing socks. I don't know why but it offends me (I'm ridiculous, I know ;]). Makes me think of John Travolta's pink socks in Grease. Hehe.
-Andi x
Great socks! I have to try such colors with my Mr Big :-)
You are more than welcome to see my blog.
Those socks just perfect his outfit-look great! Might just buy my boyfriend a pair!! x
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