Friday, 19 March 2010


The other day Ina and I planned to go out for a nice spring-y afternoon walk after work. (Or, after she finished work. I have my week off so I was spending time not cleaning and internetting in my underwear still an hour before we were due to meet).


Well hello there (obligatory picture of me).

The ice cold wind mixed with snow didn't give us too many spring vibes though.

So we went for cake instead.

And you know what. Cake is so good you should really have some every day. At least every second.


Dave Feucht said...

Hmmm, I like your philosophy of life :)

In fact, that is one of the main reasons we cook so much - to be able to eat extravagant food all the time, but more cheaply than in restaurants! :)

What's the point of living life if you don't enjoy it?

I love that scarf with the overcoat, and Ina's hat is fantastic.

Hope you get some more spring-like weather soon!

Rosie Unknown said...

You guys look great! So glamourous :)

GirlNextDoorVintage said...

You guys look great, and that cake looks DELICIOUS.

Also, it cracks me up that you write about a springtime walk... and then post pictures full of snow! I will be so happy when winter is really gone (well, winter is pretty much done here - all the snow gone at least - but it's still chilly!).

Solanah said...

The both of you are so cute!


WendyB said...

Look at you two in your adorable hats.

Neiti Dolly said...

Ihastuttava baskeri! Mikähän baskeri mahtaa olla kyseessä ja miten se on kiinni?

s said...

Both of you look as divine as the tasty desserts! Great pix.

Anonymous said...

Lovely cake and sweet shots to go with!!!

Kate in Reno

Malayka said...

Ooo that cake does look fantastic. I allow myself to have one sweet thing a day which means I really think about what that one sweet thing is going to be... and I would pick a delicious piece of cake over some rubbish junk food any day!

Helga said...

Just beautiful,both of you!I'd love to eat cake with you!

Anonymous said...

Your blog ..... it's amazing and soooo inspiring. Nice to find you!

A small footprint from Agneta & Sweden

Ps. I have an ongoing jewelry contest on my blog. Welcome! Ds

Andi B. Goode said...

I definitely agree about cake! =]
You both look lovely, too.
-Andi x

Glamour-Och-Fläskpannkaka said...

you both looks lovely!

tam said...

That cake looks yummy and you look so beautiful I love your hair! x x

Suzy said...

I agree! I had cake for breakfast this morning - leftovers from my baby's 1st birthday yesterday :)

Pepper said...

Oh wow! I love that brown coat of yours. Where did you get it?

And I agree, cake is mandatory to life! ♥

Pepper said...

Oh wow! I love that brown coat of yours. Where did you get it?

And I agree, cake is mandatory to life! ♥

The Freelancer's FashionBlog said...

Pepper : thanks, the coat is from Zara!

Neiti Dolly : thanks, ostettu viime vuonna Gina Tricosta


You both look lovely,geezz i feel like having a cup of coffee right now ;)