Thursday, 24 January 2008


I've been playing around a bit more with my new Wacom Intuos 3.

A few days ago when I was in the centre of town I discovered a new house, one that I haven't seen before even though I've been walking on that street for years. I also worked opposite of that street for years before so I've been staring on those facades for hours, for years. But I've never seen that house before and it's still more than 200 years old, so it had propably been there all along, but for me it felt very disturbing to have that building there all of a sudden.

It felt the same like when I was 13 and learned that there is another R in MaRlboro.


terren said...

thank you! you do some amazing work :)

Anonymous said...

has happened to me, too...

The Freelancer's FashionBlog said...

soph n terr: thanks
ina: and it's as confusing every time.