Photo by Risto Kantola
This is me in dark locks and wearing part of what became of the sequinned fabric. In other words, just before getting up on stage last Saturday to premier my new number.
(I can let you in on so much as what starts out in black ends in blonde and there's a whole lot of glitter and shaking fringes in between but the rest you'll just have to catch yourself. *wink wink* Club Wanted X is coming up and so is our jazzy night at Storyville, more on those later.)
EDIT : You can see some pics of our (as wells as Burlesque Polaire's and Sugar Kane's) last week's show here.
Loooved the show on Saturday (and especially said new number & costume)! Can't wait to see you ladies perform again in the future. I love that your performances are so entertaining and funny - and, of course, hot hot hot! :)
vaikka olen itse teepaita&farkut-ihminen, niin jotenkin tätä siun blogia on ollut ihan älyttömän kiva lukea. jotenkin inspiroivaa myös, kuvallisesti.
Hihii! Toi oli niin mahtava! :D
i enjoy you as a (temporary) brunette! wish i could come and see your shows. *sigh*
Snygging! Skulle vara kul och se dig någon gång, du får komma till Stockholm och uppträda!! :)
I love it!!! Such darling colors!
Sounds great!
Du har säkert hört det här det tusen gånger förut men jag säger det igen: din blogg är så inspirerande! Fast det kan man inte höra för många gånger förstås!!
That is amazing! Thanks so much for sharing!
wow that is quite something, you look amazing!
WOW! <3
I know this isn't the right place for this comment, but have you seen this http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=33347448 ?
youu look like a caracter from a film noir - fabulous
You're just as pretty in dark hair as in blonde :)
Du har säkert nämnt det förut och jag har missat det, men uppträder ni något i Sverige under vintern?
Du ser förövrigt fantastisk ut!
Hälsn. Hanna
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