(Yes, I am shamelessly using my cats for more interesting pictures.)
I have been asked to do an honest review on a shirt from Littlewoods. (I hadn't heard of Littlewoods before but maybe it's a familiar name for you if you' re from the UK or so?). The Love Label check shirt.
So why not; one can never have too many shirts. A basic cotton shirt is always useful and versatile since easy to wear in different ways. At first I wasn't really sure about how one reviews a shirt though; it's either a good shirt or then it's not.
Well this turned out to be a good one - I was positively surprised when I received it since I, to be honest, think it looks rather boring on the site. It has kind of a western vibe that you can accent by wearing a jeans skirt or a fuller skirt and "hide" by wearing a pencil skirt or high waisted wide trousers, like me. I am between sizes and tend to order the bigger one to be on the safe side just to find out that I am in fact not in between sizes but exactly the smaller one, and so it was in this case too. But a shirt doesn't really have to be skin tight, it looks nice with a bit of puffiness.
Thumbs up!
aivan ihana asu ja ihana kissa ja ihana sinä!<3
Aliliisa : Oi kiitos!
Gorgeous photos:)!! And really cute shirt!
I love that shirt! And you're beautiful.
I'm not really into "cowboyshirts", but the way you wear is, is just great!
hmm im not a massive fan of cowboy style shirts...i think the cut could be better...maybe:)
love it! :o)
I think you look very cute in that shirt!!
It looks much better (and different) on your picture than in the picture the store put out. The colour is better and you get the point with the shirt. Congrats :)
I'm thinking now of getting one myself. Just have to doublecheck in that case in the future so we don't use them in the same time :)
Music quizz Wednesday? Still got your birthdaypresent!
you are a real beauty !!!
It looks great!
indeed, shirt looks much duller on the site, they should replace the modelpic by yours ;)
Supersöt på dig, übertråkig på hemsidan!
Olen lukenut blogiasi jo aika pitkään ja rakastan tatuointejasi. Ajattelin itsekin hankkia old school-henkisen tatuoinnin. Oletko koskaan katunut omiasi?
That's not a bad looking shirt, like the poufy sleeves!
You seriously need to do a makeup tutorial! I looove the way you do your eyes! :)
Yup, I've been hearing of Littlewoods my whole life. Usually they don't do the best of things, so its nice to see that they're modernising a bit.
Thumbs up. Absolutely!
First of all congratualtions on taking up Londy Hop. It is one of teh best things I have eve done and the most fun way to keep fit.
Secondly, I had a question about your hair. Is it layered? Or is it all one length at the back. Thanks!
Oh, youre beautiful.
Eve : en ole! Thaimaassa käsin hakattu merenneito oli hienompi mun piirtämänä kuin lopputulos, mutta ei sillä ole väliä. Mitä nopeammin olen tehnyt tatuoitnipäätöksen, sitä enemmän pidän siitä! Joten jos siltä tuntuu, go for it!
Anonymous : oooh, I've been promising for so long ot do some kind of make up post but I just can't seem to get started! One day it will come! Eyeliner how-to I think.
Rachael King : I'm trying to get it one length in the back, but there are some, eh, involuntary layers, as some hairs won't grow that fast after my years of having a spiral perm, while some break due to all the bleaching. But I try to "hide" those shorter hairs. It's mostly the same length. A bit shorter around the face too due to the same reasons and some experimenting with wider/less wide bangs...
Cute shirt! And I wholeheartedly approve of using kitties in pictures!
-Andi x
It looks lovely!
love your make up on this
so cute. lovin your blog! xx
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