Vintage jewellery makes great and original Christmas gifts btw - affordable, exclusive, classic, stylish, beautiful, funny or wonderfully tasteless if you so prefer.
About life on the burlesque stage and behind my mac. I do design, pilates and red lips, enjoy wine and beautiful dresses, am fond of high heels and fancy hair, monkeys and seamen. I love rautalanka, my cats and my car. And most of all my little Dag and my Eddi. And I don't think anyone should take themselves too seriously!. This blog is about a little bit of everything actually, mainly the good stuff. To contact me send mail to: but do note that I am not interested in taking "guest posts" or any other form of advertising anything for free. Read the "Please Note" section under the header first.
Beautiful design - so elegant but still very rich and lush. Just right for this time of year too, with the green emerald!
Love the photo where you, dremingly, wear such a beautiful piece of yewllery. You are an absolute inspiration to me.
Emerald is my favorite precious stone!
The necklace looks lovely, and I am liking your new hair colour more and more as time passes!
grace kelley 2010
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