Thursday, 7 February 2008


I used to be quite the thrifter before (when I was a hippie. I didn't just dress like one, but I had a somewhat different lifestyle too, both on good and bad). Back then I could'nt buy anything new, but I also had a lot more spare time - I was still in school, later studying and working only a little bit. Even though I live in an area with a lot of small thrift shops I visit those and fleamarkets much less than I'd wish to do. And all because a lack of time - I wok a lot, I work out quite much and my weekends are often spent sleeping too late due to nights on the town.

But still, I get quite lucky.
Unlike Muhammad, the mountain often does come to me.

About a year ago I was taking out the trash and found this in the bin:
This old suitcase has stickers from the thirties and forties from all over Europe on it! It's a bit fragile so I just have it as a decoration in our livingroom. It matches the colour of our chairs too. I really like it.

Among a lot of books, some of which I saved from the bin, was this little leaflet:

A dressing guide for women that came as an attachement to the Eva magazine in 1962. It has stylish drawings in it. Charming! Some of the rules still apply, if you want to dress up properly for a tuxedo dinner (or a tea party:)...


Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

That suitcase is divine--even if it only works as decoration. Thrifting does take time and patience. I can't "need" something and find it in a thrift shop, but it's nice to browse for hours just finding interesting least I browse for hours.

Anonymous said...

I have a huge psychological problem with fleemarkets and stuff.
I would like to buy things from there, because you can find fine things and it's also ecological. But the few times I've bought something I haven't felt comfortable in the clothes, because I don't know the person who had them before!!!
Still, I've always (my whole life - due to my little size) been taking over my sister's and my friend's old clothes, and that's no problem as I know the former owner.
I'd like to get over it, but it has just led to the fact that I hardly ever buy used stuff, and if it should be from a market where the former owner sells the stuff, not for example UFF or such stores...

Anonymous said...

and that last one was from ina... =)

- said...

i love old suitcases... specially when they really reflect all the things their owners have been doing iduring their lifes... u always find some secrets

The Freelancer's FashionBlog said...

ina: well yes I kind of know what you mean. I think you actually just get over it eventually just by using more used stuff..?