Saturday 27 September 2008


Tulip-shaped dress - Vintage
Earrings - made by a friend

This weekend I'm going out in a blue dress.
My soundtrack will be this song.


Bex said... the background as well!!

Mrs Munster said...

Stunning, but you look more like an angel. Maybe you are more of a "devil in disguise" :)

Anonymous said...


Oriane said...

Beautiful photo !

Anonymous said...

Lovely pic :)

Veronica_Fraticelli said...

I love the background you chose for that photo! adorable.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful dress! I love the shape of the collar...

The Freelancer's FashionBlog said...

(r)evovler 74 : Thank you.

Mrs.Muster : haha yeah maybe :)

Anonyous x 2 & Oriane : THanks!

La Comadreja Roja : thank you, I think the background brings out the blue quite well.

Casey : thanks. I really love the collar as well.

Miriam Parkman said...

That's one elegant picture!
A bit mysterious, too.

SHIZUKA said...

you look great and the background compliments the picture so well! x

Laura Gilmour said...

What a beautiful dress! It looks fabulous.

Anonymous said...

åh. så hemskt fin klänningen ser ut. Och ditt hår. aah!

Make Me Up said...

hejsan! Gisses så fin du är! Varenda gång dessutom! Jag startade förra helgen en ny tradition på min blogg, nämligen att jag utser helgens blogg. Den här helgen blev det du, hihi. =0)


Henna said...

you look absolutely stunning!

Anonymous said...


WendyB said...


makemoremistakes said...

you+that dress+the thing behind you=amazing, gorgeous, stunning prettiness.

mateo said...

your dress rocks!!! but, omg!!!! what's the background??? a divider??? loves it!!!!

Lady Melbourne said...

Gorgeous, but then you always look gorgeous!
I have a blue dress and feel rather devilish when I wear it too.

esme and the laneway said...

Oh my goodness, this looks like a vintage magazine photo. I actually thought that it was when I first looked! You look so beautiful! Amazing looking dress, and chance we can see the rest of it?! :)

The Freelancer's FashionBlog said...

Thank you all again for your nice comments.

Linn Ekholm : Vad kul, tack!

Mateo : Yes it is a divider, the photo is taken at my friends house.

Esme and the Lane Way : I'm pretty sure IÄll post another photo of it some other time :) This photo was originally quite dark so I adjusted the levels to amke it lighter, which ads a lot of grain to the picture. That makes it look quite vintage.

Pratishtha Durga said...

This is SUCH a lovely dress. It makes you look a little different, somehow. I love the background too.

pumps & luiers said...

You look great, does your hair hide your horns ;)

Anonymous said...

Love it! Especially with the sultry eyeshadow.

The Freelancer's FashionBlog said...

Pratishstha Durga : Thanks. It migh be that it does make me look a bit different since it's not a model tht I usually wear.

Sueper : Yes they're all rolled up :)

Sal : Thanks! I haven't had colourful eyeshadow for ages so it felt a bit weird at first, but I like it too :)