08:00 I wake up - very early for being me - and take it pretty easy with coffee and the morning paper

09:00 I start unpacking my bags from Friday’s show – my flat is always a mess of clothes, make up and shoes after a burlesque gig (I’m really slow with those things; it’s the same with unpacking after a trip).

I store my stage stuff in hat boxes. At my place it’s close to impossible to try to put anything in bags or boxes without having to remove a cat first…

10: Work!

11:00 Still working. The winter weather looks really nice and crisp outside.

12:00 I go to a business lunch with my friend K and a long term client of ours.

13:00 Some burlesque-related shopping in the sewing store. Lots and lots of glittering stuff.

14:00 I drag my lazy behind to the gym. For someone who used to work out eight times a week (which is too much btw) I nowadays find it rather hard to get there, so I had to stop by some stores just to postpone the whole thing… I do enjoy working out in general and the gym I go to is really fresh and all but I have a slight hidden attitude problem with some of the other that exercise there; posers, hysteric anorectics or women that actually spray and fix their hair and apply makeup before working out.Hmpf. (I guess this was the whine-moment of the day then...)

17:00 Back at home. I sew a bit on my stage outfit for Saturday’s show. (I also do the dishes and some laundry, take out the trash and clean up cat puke but that wouldn’t make very nice pictures now would it).

18:00 I start making dinner (rather proudly since I tend to eat out quite a lot otherwise. I even bake a bread goddamit!)

19:00. I get company, and that’s the end of the picture taking for that night.

Todays HBF happening: exhibition opening of works from past Dr-Sketchy's as well as burlesque portraits from Paule Saviano.
Haha, I know what you mean with the gym thing!
What's the thing you're working on? I like the looks of it :)
xx Lily xx
nice lipstick! ;)
Kissat ja laatikot, mahdotonta erottaa. Omani änkisi vaikka pakasterasiaan.
Meow, like the look of that burlesque stuff your packing away. To bad I live so far from Helsinki, otherwise i'd love to see one of your shows...Är du finlandsvensk förresten? *noterar svenskspråkig tidning på frukostbordet*
How typical for cats to try out the box! :D
Great photos!
The picture of food is as close as I've ever come to making dinner.
This was so fun! Thanks for sharing this little peek into your daily life.
Only two hours of work seems to good to be true!lucky you ;)
Mitä tarkalleen ottaen teet työksesi, jos saa udella? :)
Meidän kissa on ihan samanlainen, joka ikiseen laatikkoon ja koloon on tungettava itsensä ;)
I just love your dear kitty kat, he reminds me so much of my own!
Well I love being nosey so I think that the photo an hour idea is fab!
Cute cat as always!
Such a sweet glimpse into your everyday life. Everything is so pretty. ;)
What a great post! It's so cool to see how you live your everyday life. I'm going to do one of these too, looks like fun.
What a fab post! I might have to do one, I need to do more outfit posts too.
Dear Mrs.E : tiedän, ne mirrit änkee ihan minne vain!
Kitten : jepp, finlandsvensk.
WendyB : I know, I have kind of the same problem most of the time :/
Mothersvea : but this was kind of a day in betweem, don't worry, sometimes I work nonstop from early until late...
Anonymous : Teen omalla firmalla graafista suunnittelua mutta olen työnjohtajana satamassa 2 viikkoa kolmesta.
Andrea & Fleur : I'd love to see your photo-an-hour posts :)
Ugh. I abhor going to the gym but I love cheese:-)
This was a very nice article:) Also I have that exact model and color of ipod:)
Greetings from Bucharest:)
GReat post! You have a full day! very interesting, and tho photos are cute!
a big kiss to you
I've been checking your blog everyday for a few months now and reading your articles is always a pleasure!
I've completely fallen in love with your Marimekko curtains! I can't seem to find them in France unfortunately. Do you know if I can find them online?
Thanks in advance for your reply!
You eat very healthy food-good girl!haha))
may i ask what kind of red lipstick you prefer? it looks so fetching on you.
you're a beautiful girl with a beautiful life!
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