I been slightly abscent from the blogosphere lately, I know; I've been so busy so there has actually been rather little to post about. I haven't really answered any comments properly either. But with shows every week, some propblems with our lovely tax office latley and a personal life resembling a rollercoaster, what can you do...
Well, anyway, as you may see from the picture; I got my leopard gloves! Thanks to a tip from a Finnish reader I found the exact same gloves I had but lost, for sale at a auciton site, unworn. So now they're mine again, phew :) But thanks to everyone lese for great suggestions too!
Also a big thanks to Kate and Madeleinemiranda for awarding me! Highly apreciated every time :)
Last but not least; I can be terribly unorganized from time to time, and I'm no better here either. If I don't do something immidetialy, it will most likely remain undone. This time I'm referring to my link list - if you feel you've been left out or want in then send me an email! (But if you don't really read my blog and just want more traffic then don't bother ok).
Great picture!
Love the gloves and the bangs look great. I'm going through the grow out phase myself from a pixie.
Hey Ulrika,
I'm very happy, U have leopard gloves, again - they are so much U! :) Beautiful pic, baby! :)
Have a great Friday: Janet
Very pretty gloves! I've just come to like leopardpatterned things, never ever liked it before and it took some time to admit it to myself :P
Yes we missed you!
ps. pretty gloves.
Ootpa nätti :)
Hurrah! So glad the leopard gloves have been replaced.
We all get busy from blogging! Living gives us material, so why not live a little more? Love the gloves, they are totally your style!
Aw, you got "your" gloves back! Congrats! :) I've personally made the desicion to keep my blog as an extra little thing I do for fun, instead of putting pressure on myself to update everyday or something, which would take the enjoyment out of it. So, keep on living, just give us a little update once in a while ok? ;) Take care!
Congrats on the gloves, I remember you asking about them!!! I found some great ones and decied to not get them, then could'nt stop thinking about them. I went back and they were all gone. Oh well! I already have a good pair, the new ones were just lined and way warmer. I love leapord gloves, they are such a staple! I would love to be linked if you get around to it. ;)
Fab gloves!
Pretty gloves!
I can't believe you found the gloves! Oh how I love the internetz. Imagine your fate back in '95?.
I would love to trade links! Consider yours added to my blogroll.
You look absolutely stunning.
This picture is just awesome!
Gud va fin du är :)
Det är ett gott tecken när man är borta från bloggen för att man har så mycket roliga saker i livet.
Det verkar vara mycket roligt som händer i ditt liv just nu, njut av det. Kram
I love your hair.. :)
Oh I'm happy for you girl they're great! You look beautiful
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