Tuesday 10 March 2009


The other day I went out and had a huge cupcake for breakfast. Dressed in baby blue and cherries I felt like one big cupcake myself. I also felt childishly happy about the fact that I'm grown up and can have cupcakes for breakfast whenever I want to and nobody can say anything about it. Hah!

Cardigan & Blue thights - H&M, Skirt - Miss60, Cherry top - Love Kills/ebay.

(Can't remember where the cherry-belt is from but it's quite deliciously tacky isn't it? I haven't decided if I love it or hate it or weather I should keep it or not... )


Anonymous said...

You do look like a cupcake! :)

Cherrydots said...

I think the cherry belt looks very good on you.

I my self have very often chocolate for breakfast! It's "fun" to be old!

Anonymous said...

You look awesome!

Mrs Munster said...

The belt is adorable! And you do look delicious like a cupcake.

Katja Cintja said...

such a nice outfit!

Parapluie said...

I love this outfit on you!

Secondhand Stella said...

I love having cupcakes, birthday cake, and pie for breakfast!

Anonymous said...

You look gorgeous!! I really love that cherry belt actually--you're right it's kinda kitchsy, but cool too. ;)

Mmm... I love having dessert for breakfast! When I was little, the biggest treat was having my mother's apple pie or peach cobbler for breakfast. So yummy! Sadly, I haven't really kept that treating up as an adult; I'm not hugely into breakfast anymore (cold cereal suffices most mornings...). But maybe for my birthday this year I'll have to hunt down a cupcake for breakfast! ;)

Jenni said...

Awww, I love that look. But hey, which one of yours I wouldn't. :D

Kitten loves vintage said...

I think the belt is awesome, even though it's kitchy, or maybe just because it is? :) Like the rest of the outfit too, the model of the top is really nice. Keep 'em coming!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE being able to eat whatever whenever and without scolding! The main glory of being an adult, if you ask me.

That top is utterly perfect on you - and that cherry belt buckle? So cute!

Anonymous said...

Mmmm! You do look good enough to eat!!!! Yum!


Nicki's Notebook said...

I adore that u eat cupcakes for breakfast - as do i adore that you are wearing cherries!! brilliant! x

Andrea Eames said...

You look beautiful, and so cute! I bet you make the other customers smile. :)

Fräulein Luise said...

Such a beautiful outfit and as sweet as cherries are!

GinCherry said...

You look beautiful, as always :) I have almost the same blouse like yours :)

sariti said...

beautiful outfit!the cherry belt is delicious...

Mademoiselle Balai said...

keep the belt darling!

WendyB said...

Cupcakes are good any time of day.

Darrah said...

I feel like I have those heels. Love the look though! You are too fabulous!

KittyMeow said...

Keep the belt!! Only you could pull it off so it's like your duty to wear it ;-)

Love the blue tights too.

Natalia Romashko said...

such small nice things like cupcakes in the morning make our life. I hink this belt is quite nice so you should keep it.I lie the mix of blue and red on you :)

The Freelancer's FashionBlog said...

THanks for all you comments. I guess I'll keep the belt :)

Unknown said...

Love the top sooo much.

Miss Rascal said...

Cupcakes is the key to a mans heart.
Before I met my man I sent him a padded envelope filled with pink carrot & ginger cupcakes and look where I am today! :))

Very cute outfit.

Angel said...

I love the belt! If you don't want it mail me and I'll buy it from you!

You have such cool style!

Anonymous said...

Well...little birds twitter that you as a child/youngster did often on Sundays get for breakfast for instance sweet waffles, pancakes, scones or even MUFFINS!

Anonymous said...

this outfit is awesome!