The other day I was browsing around a thrift store I came upon the most adorable girdle ever, a white and red polka dot dream. But with the amount of derrière I have I could only dream of squeezing into these...
Leaving them behind was of course not an option, and for a slight minute I thought of keeping them for myself as a decoration for the boudoir (as if I have one, well, boudoir corner perhaps). But then I decided to give them to Ina for her birthday hoping she'd fit in to them. And if not, she'd get something pretty for her boudoir instead. But they did fit and that makes me very happy (and her too! :)
SERIOUS friend points for this one, lady.
My god that is too cute!
How positively vintage ladylike!
Have a great week!
Awww that's wayyy too cute!
So adorable what an amazing find.
Oh this is so cute! What a great find... and a great present!
men åh! har aldrig sett en prickig förut, oftast bara vita, beiga eller svarta. lucky you!
They are juyst gourgeous! (I agree with Sal: SERIOUS friend points!!!!). And they fit like a dream! I love you. Can hardly wait for a GOOD opportunity to wear them, instead of the lousy ones they do nowadays... :)
Adorable! I wish I had one too...
Wow I wish I had a friend like you! That is so beautiful and delicate. I'm currently making a pair of knickers/panties a bit like this. I feel inspired!
The most beautifull vintage girdle I ever saw, I didn't see anything like that before, I mean a girdle with polka dots, only one coloured :) Your friend is really happy and to leave it in trift store it was a big crime :D
Teinihelvetti :D En mä lukkaannu, rupes vaan naurattaa, en tiedä ees miks, sitähän tää on.
nii, loppuu tai ei. Mä en ees tiedä haluunko tän ruuallapellelillyn loppuvan vaikka äidin syövät ja riidat plus veljen voisin heivata romukoppaan. Lapsellista, tiedetään. Ainaa syy miks haluun aikuseks on et haluun ite päättää tulemisistani ja syömisistäni. Vaikka oikeesti tahtoisin olla sellanen 5vuotias lapsi. kyllä silloin elämä oli kaikkein helpointa.
Anyway, hieno blogi vaikka oonki sen vrta huono enkussa etten ymmärtäny uudesta postauksestasi kuin toisen puolen :)
These are adorable! I even dreamt about the pattern layout last night, im going to fish around for some fabric to make my own x
haha that's so cute!
Wow, what a great find; and what a great gift for your freind! You really are lovely :)
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