Thursday 16 July 2009


I bet none of you have managed to miss Tyra's creations here on my blog ? Well, good news for everyone - she has opened her own store now!

Punavuoren Putiikki is locatd on Punavuorenkatu 1 and ran by Tyra Therman and Hanna Haavikko. You can shop Tyra's Miss Maxwell retro swimsuits, Miranda Burlesque acessories and handbags, Miranda Lingerie as well as Hanna's label Dimon there.

The opening party is now, today, on Thursday, from 14:00 onwards! That's were I'll be...

(You can spot both Tyra and me in this picture btw...)


between peace and happiness said...

Those swimsuits are actually amazing!

The Freelancer's FashionBlog said...

B.P.A.H: They sure are! One of my readersfrom the States contacted Tyra via Facebook and ordered herself one. So it is possibole for you to get your hands on them, in case you're interested :)

What we four say said...

What great things she makes! Good luck to your friend, it's so exciting that she started her own shop.

Anonymous said...

How fun! Man, I'd love to get my mitts on a pair of those tassel earrings.

Bucca said...


Parapluie said...

This looks so wonderful! said...


Jennifer said...

Mmm, absolutely gorgeous. Hopefully we'll see an online store sometime soon?

Distant Samantha said...

Näiden avajaisten missaaminen harmittaa kyllä todenteolla! Mutta tuolla täytyy käydä pistäytymässä, kunhan sinne päin olen tulossa. Aivan upean näköisiä luomuksia!
Itse olit varmastikin paikalla? Merkintää kenties tulossa lähipäivinä, raportointia paikan päältä...? :>

(Ja kuten eräs kirjoittaja tuossa ylempänä jo totesikin, online store = yes please!)

Anonymous said...

looks fabulous! is that store in Helsinki?

Cheryl Lynn Pastor said...

It's always wonderful when someone gets to live their dream. I wish your friend much success with her shop. Many beautiful things in there.

Have a great evening.

calangute beach said...

nice fashion

krishna said...

dear friend i tried to get into freelancer work online, but never received postive respond can u do a favor of helping me how to get hired for freelance work.

also need few tips for my blog to take my blog to top search list..

Chantilliscious said...

i want one of these stores to open in my city so bad.