Monday 26 October 2009


I have a bag I refer to as my ice cream bag. It's the colour. It makes me think of ice cream. So does my pink cardigan.

So dressed like this I felt like a bowl of ice cream (vanilla, strawberry licorice sauce. And some pistachio ice cream too, underneath. Not that I really like licorice sauce on ice cream. But anyway). Or Fazer's French pastilles in my grandmothers porcelain jar from when I was a kid, since as you know I like to dress like candy from time to time. And what a candy Sunday I had!

First I went to an elderly relative of mine who was wealthy and into fashion in the 50's and 60's and collected hers and her aunts old clothing she wanted to get rid of. Stuff you'd kill me to get your hands on I tell you - a 30's long evening gown in velvet, an amazing 50's satin brocade cocktail dress, a promenade suit with the perfect fit in mint condition plus some more dresses and skirts. (Yes I will twist the knife even deeper and add some photos eventually.)

Afterwards I met up with one of my sisters and my parents for a late birthday celebration; we had some cakes and pies and you name it at a café in a 18th century villa in a park just outside of town. Nice.

To top it all off I had marzipan and champagne for dinner.
As I said, candy Sunday.

(For those who wonder; the skirt is thrifted, the cardigan from Gina and the bag from one of the shoe shops in Kamppi.)


What we four say said...

That sounds like the PERFECT day to me. I can't wait to see the new additions, they sounds gorgeous.

Chantele Cross-Jones said...

jealous of those items you got!! Cant wait to see some gorgeous pics. Loving the bag you have it is stunning and looks like strawberry milkshake to me.

Andrea Eames said...

You look gorgeous! Like you should be sitting at a 50s soda fountain with a boy in a leather jacket. :)

The Black Opal said...

Gorgeous! And congratulations on getting all that vintage clothing! I wish I could have a relative like that! lol

Anonymous said...

Glorious. And I do hope we'll get to see some of the vintage stuff you scooped up!

Elina said...

Lovley outfit! And what a great dinner :)

AlicePleasance said...

Amazing palette! This candy pink really suits you perfectly :-)

Intrinsically Florrie said...

Mmm, ice cream is good. :) And you seem to have had a lovely day!
The colour of the bag and cardigan really is very pretty indeed. Very ladylike.

Florrie x

Ms. B @ Millie Deel said...

Such a gorgeous outfit! Love everything!!

Q's Daydream said...

Wow! You look amazing!!! :o)

Casey said...

You are so gorgeous! I just love the pinkness of this outfit! :) Sounds like you had an utterly amazing day too. :)

Rosie Unknown said...

Can I just, you know, have your life?

Katie said...

Sounds like a fabulous day and you look like a dream! x

Sayuri said...

Taking a fast glance at your picture, I thought you were an actress of that "monalisa's smile" movie, with all those 40s wonderful clothes, but with the fab 60s hair (I love it, did you backcomb it?)

Frollein von Sofa said...

this outfit rocks ! and your hairstyle is complete perfection. I wonder what perfume you are using....what scent did you wear on that day ? would you mind to tell me ? I wrote a post about scents and I would love to hear your opinion !!!!

Clare said...

Wow what a sophisticated look! I hope you're not going to go all serious on us...
Loving the hair as always!

Cheryl Lynn Pastor said...

Your sweater and bag look positively delicious.

Have a great day, my dear.

Anna said...

Åh gud vad vacker du är kvinna! Finner inga ord för hur stor inspiration du är rent utseendemässigt men också yrkesmässigt.
Fortsätt vara så fin som du är!
(Har tänkt och köpa en precis likadan väska förövrigt, himla snygg)

Aliliisa said...

apua miten ihana asu, ja ihana nainen!<3

Kasmira said...

You look scrumptious!

I might be more jealous of your marzipan and champagne meal than the vintage goodies.

Katie said...

I've added you to my blog list because I think you're such a doll! x

Anonymous said...

What kinda coat do you wear with an outfit like this? It would be nice to read about your outdoors wear too :)

The Freelancer's FashionBlog said...

Sayuri : No, I didn't backcomb, I used my hair rat and bumpits, those kind of combs you can order online.

Frollein von Sofa : I'm rahter lazy when it comes io perfumes, I have only one, a cloassic, Chanel no5.

Anna : tack fina :)

Katie : oh :)

Anonynmous : Yes I'm not much for having my pic taken and posing outside... I thappens every now and then though. On Sunday I wore my black winter coat(already, jeez!), you can see a glimpse of it in the mirror on my vaudeville post, a few ones below...

Kassondra DeBoer said...

oooh how lucky are you to get your hands on such treasures?! :)

Unknown said...


Lil Midget said...

Jag älskar glass..och jag älskar dina utstyrsel! Yum yum!


esme and the laneway said...

Lovely outfit! And regarding your day... lucky x a million! I am VERY jealous :D

J. said...

wow, love the bag!!

Anonymous said...

ahh i'm so jealous! you're outfit is so cute! xx

lauren said...

indeed, bag and cardigan are TOTALLY ice cream (great, now i want ice cream). but moreover that you got to get some amazing clothing from someone you know, makes me utterly jealous!


Grande Mama said...

As one who has seen those clothes with my own eyes I can really say that they are stunning (love that brocade cocktail dress)and something to be envious over!

Madeleine Miranda said...

Gosh you look amazing woman! Your haiiirrr! Impeccable, I love it!


Baby Jane said...

What a beautiful outfit!

Linnéa Ingrid said...

Your hair is just gorgeous!

Veronica said...

Absolutely stunning!