Sunday, 21 February 2010


Minna Parikka's S/S 2010 can be wieved at her new site. I'm not going totally banans over the collection (or the ultra skinny model featuring it) but I wouldn't say no to this little overall for example, or to some of the cardigans in the collection (not to mention the Stocking Heels...)

Some of the knitwear from the past collection are on sale and I'm considering to get myself a salorish cardigan for more than half of the price it was. So far only considering, as it even at some 60% off is rather costy. But Sunday evenings, especially after a long day at work, has the dangerous ability of putting things slightly out of proportion (economically) - and perspective(economically) though, as well as listing things in a different line of importance... It usually end in the same way (which is: I buy).

So I don't know, Go! or No?


Sherin said...

The first dress is so gorgeous! I'm tempted to buy it as well.

esme and the laneway said...

Lovely stuff. I'd be tempted too! I have decided that this is the year I get a pair of MP shoes... hopefully on sale :)

Janina Modaal said...

What a lovely cardigan!
I hope you buy it, so we will see it again on your blog :o).
So it's also a pleasure fot us, when you buy it... ;o).

Laura said...

mmm...go cardigan! It's too cute.

MissMo said...

Of the dresses shown on MP's site, that's certain the one that suits your style best!

shoegarfreeruby said...

hmmm, 50/50 here. the red cardi has been in my wishlist for the longest time but never had the guts to buy it. i still think it is a bit overpriced even after the discount. and with the sonia rykiel/h&m collection just out last saturday, the prices were quite reasonable compared to the MPs.

Veronica Darling said...

Make it darling! That yoke/sailor/collar would be fine to try and could just seriously be attached to any blouse or dress pattern you make have already.

Thanks for posting the nice pictures though, huge inspiration and by golly I'm going to tumblr it right now!

Anna said...

Go koftan. Har tittat på den sen den kom :(

kfrogpath said...

a pretty silly question to be asking us i think! go.

eva balai said...

to be honest, i don't reeeaaally like the collar. it's not cute enough for the money, in my opinion..

although i'm sure it'll look good on you anyway haha.

iliketweet said...

Beautiful, the cardigan is an absolute delight. I want!



Mrs Munster said...

Parikan mekot ja villatakit ovat kylla mallistossa aika herkkuja. Mutta mita ihmetta ne maskit on? Jannitava malliston suunta...

pumps & luiers said...

pretty but not pretty enough regarding the high price - I would buy...

Gant Trousers said...

The red cardigan is lovely!!

jewlover2 said...

lovely! But I I am a very hesitant spender these days. The Trashy Diva dress won't buy itself. LOL

Vanessa said...

Cute cardigan!

Anonymous said...

I bought the full price version last autumn, and I loved it! It is quite special, even with the veeery expensive price. Made in Finland, so quality over quantity!


Beau said...

En henk.koht. lämpene neuleelle, mutta sinun päälläsi varmasti näyttää kauniilta :) ja jos on kerta alennuksessa ja suomalainen, niin go for it!

Sitten kysyisin, että kun olet satamassa töissä, niin onko sinulla kenties jotain koulutuspohjaa siihen alaan tms? Tai miten olet päässyt/päätynyt kyseiselle alalle? Itseäni kiinnostaa todella paljon logistiikkaan liittyvät ammatit, joten vinkkejä otetaan kiitollisena vastaan :) olen itsekin aika naisellinen ja pidän vastakohdista, joten (jos nyt näin voi sanoa) niin inspiroit minua :D ymmärrän toki, jos et halua täällä blogissa ruveta yksityiskohtaisemmin kertomaan asiasta, mutta kuitenkin.

hope505 said...

Do it!! !!

I like the black one best!

* : )

The Freelancer's FashionBlog said...

Beau : Mä aloitin ekana opiskeulvuotnna siellä koska muutama kaveri oli ollu kesäduunissa ja se kuullosti hauskalta. Tietysti se ei ollu yhtä hauska kun aloitti talvella :) Siiheen varisinaiseen duuniin mitä me teemme ei ole koulutusta vaan sinne vaan mennään ja opetellaan, sama on jos ryhtyy ahtaajaks. Sitten tietty jos on toimiston puolella töissä niin jollain on sen alant utkintoja, logistiikka, markkinointi jne.

acekard 2 said...

The second one is gorgeous cardigan dress!because I like red colour and I know it will looks cool!Well about your design...its Fantastic.

Beau said...

Hei, kiitos vastauksestasi! :)


All Women Stalker said...

this is so your style... hit that buy button before it's too late!