Sunday 7 August 2011


Just finished watching Twin Peaks for the n:th time. I just love everything about the series and especially the music used in it.


pumps & luiers said...

love it to - but always tend to miss one or 2 episodes so never get the whole story in one take - need to have a new session

Merituuli said...

I also LoVe TwinPeaks, especially it´s smooth, intence and mysterious atmosphere! Have you read "Twin Peaks - Dale Cooperin omaelämänkerta" originally "The Autobiography of FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper: My Life, My Tapes". It´s hilarious! Or at least it was when I read it about 8 years ago.

ramonies said...

awesome! I love enjoying summer this way!

Pia said...

TWIN PEAKS <3. Jag minns då den kom då jag var liten, fascinerades redan då av den. Hade aldrig sett såna kvinnor förr och stämningen var helt annan än i anything else och jag var i himlen ;).