Eddi and his brother grows fava beans ecologically at their farm. Alas we have a lot of them. Ironically no one else in my whole family likes beans that much. So I try and make different dishes with them that will be more or less accepted - fava beans are, after all, an ancient crop that is full of protein and in our case as nearly produced as can get. Fava beans make great falafel and hummus; in fact, they are used as much as chickpeas for falafel (depending on the region and recipe).

Here's an easy tasty dip/spread that also turns into an awesome pasta sauce that even the kids ate (without asking about every single ingredient and picking their dish apart by fork on their plate). It's also totally vegan but don't say that out loud until after if you have sceptics around the table ;)
Fava beans need to soak for about 8 hours (or more). They don't need that long time to cook; 15-25 minutes will be enough (the more you cook at once the longer it takes). Remember to change water in between soaking and cooking.
For the spread you will need olive oil, vinegar/balsamico, garlic, salt and pepper and sun dried tomatoes. (I probably put sun dried tomatoes in 50% of what I make nowadays. I think of it as vegan salami, as it has such strong taste.) You can also add some fresh herbs to this one if you ave any around, or a few capers.

Serve with bread, as a side dish or meze, or as dip sauce with vegetable sticks.
It will stay good in the refrigerator for at least three days.

And the best part, if you have some left over; mix it up with a home (or ready-) made tomato pasta sauce and serve with pasta of your choice (I blend it out wht Pirkkas eco basil tomato sauce). Or, just make a batch to use just for pasta, totally acceptable too. It makes the sauce very good and "meaty"!
I've never had fava beans. I don't think they're widely available in South Africa. I love the idea of adding the dip to pasta sauce.
Super idea for pasta sauce and just chock full o' protein. I must try this!
Natasha: if you can't find any try a mix of kidney beans or chick peas (or either one).
Good Lord! Fava beans - also known as Broad beans? They're dee-lish! You lucky thing! Lots of yummy Middle Eastern recipes for them around too.
Claire not sure, but probably yes. They are called "farm beans" in Swedish and "bull beans" in Finnish.
Excellent! I can agree with Lombard, but that conclusion hit it dead on the bulls eye!
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