I had one of those la-la-la moments when I should have been doing lots of other more useful tings than be arranging some of my shoes by color.
Well, this was not totally useless however

No but really. Even if may be feeling the greens now, I am actually trying to get rid of things. Clean some out, tuck some away for later, make some space. I am back to that usual when-will-I-ever-get-to-wear-anything- limbo of mine with little free space and lots of clothes that are waiting to be worn (vintage skirts and silk dresses don't hang out int he park with toddlers, and whenever I go somewhere without Dag it's mostly to work which I do in totally different garments...) but with nothing actual to wear.
But my shoe rainbow was cute anyway.
(Hmm hmm green...)
Oh my, how pretty!!!
What an amazing collection and great colours!
*note to self, get more bright coloured shows!*
Red heels a tad too big for you... Hmmm... Don't rush into anything with them - I'm thinking about it!
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