Saturday 31 May 2014


 I have come to learn that I need more basic clothes that go with everything and that are of  more carefree material so I can also use them for playing with kids. Trousers and skirts.

I noticed most of my skirts are patterned ones so I set in on making a few in a solid color.
First I made a ½ circle skirt -they are so easy to do and take rather little time as well.
This skirt is made from a soft stretchy polyester blend.

On this one I  made round flaps (perhaps there is a nicer name for pockets like this) to cover the original less pretty pockets I first made.

Which I am presenting here tho the whole internet because that makes sense. Well they do not look that bad pictured actually. But their seams got a bit uneven and bulky and they looked like holes in the skirt rather than thin stylish pocket lines.  But actually the flaps fit the skirt better I think.

As usual I made a terrible mess after myself... Some days before I was updating scene costumes and their remnants are still spread around. I did pick up everything from he floor so it loos less bad but, I really am good at making  places look bad after crafting around them!


obat kuat alami said...

great dress

Porcelina said...

Such a clever lady with your sewing skills! I made a skirt once, years ago. I might be tempted to have another go after this inspiration from you! I too tend to go for patterns and sometimes haven't enough items in solid colours. P x

GinCherry said...

I have the same problems lately :D I realised that all my skirts and all my blouses are patterned and don't match each other :)