Shoes - Bianco
Stockings - old
Should I sell/give this one away or keep it? Bought it in Munich a couple of summersback when J took me there on a surprise trip. We left with no luggage and it was 25C at home but only about 13 and raining over there, so getting a coat was the first thing we had to do...
I guess every wardrobe should include a trench of some kind but this is a bit narrow for me over the shoulders (due to years of boxing I guess). So I'm not sure what to do with this one.
(I had a dark grey green scarf with this outfit that made it look more balanced but for some reason it's not on me in the picture. In case anyone felt it important to know what I actually wore, heh.)
Keep! That trench is fantastic. I have to force myself to not wear my favorite items as well, honestly I could probably cut my wardrobe down to a few pieces, but where's the fun in that?
Keep it! You will sometime need it anyways, it's useful and good when it's longer than your leatherjacket. Unless it's TOO small over the shoulders, but maybe you can have it still sometimes...
I think its a keeper, it looks great with the yellow shoes!
Seriously... I hope you haven't given this coat away yet. It's definitely a keeper!
Yes I think the coat stays :)
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