Monday, 29 September 2008


Living in a city that's actually is on the same latitude as the southern point of Greenland it's generally considered insane to prefer any other season than summer. But still, I sort of secretly like autumn the most, even though it is more the thought of autumn that I like, than the real actual shit weather we have here most of the time anyway.

I associate autumn with all the nice colours, walks in beautiful crisp weather with huge scarves, cute little jackets and a beret, holding hands (well these days I'm mostly just holding my cigarette but anyway), drinking hot chocolate or warm blackcurrant juice. Even the occasional rain and fog is ok, if one indoors sipping on that hot juice then. Normally it just rains, is raw and windy and I complain, but lately it's actually been my kind of autumn.

It's said that if there are many rowanberries it's going to be a cold winter, but I'll just rely on the global warming that I won't have to freeze for the next six monts.

Part of my autumn-things is, as already mentioned, the whole dressing up nicely and semi-warm, looking gorgeus under blue skies and wonderfully coloured trees. My stockings are decorated with small leaves. Very autumn-y.

Dress - Vintage
Stockings - Philippe Matignon


Riikka Aaltonen said...

Autumn is my favourite time of the year as well alongside with spring.
It's not too hot or cold plus you get to wear your best clothes while observing changes of nature around you.

That vintage dress is divine, by the way.

Dave Feucht said...

Autumn is my absolute favorite season. We are starting to have that very perfect autumn weather as well - the weather where it is bright and sunny, but cool and a bit windy. Perfect for a walk or a bike ride. We don't have as much color as you yet, but when it comes, it is everywhere here.

Not to mention - most of my favorite clothing is too warm for the summer :)

I'm an outspoken lover of the non-summer months, I have to say (even in Lithuania, where the winter was -20C for 3 months). Crazy, I know.

Cheers, and enjoy the perfect autumn weather while it lasts! :)

Q's Daydream said...

You look wonderful! I secretly love autumn too! Even though it only means that a very snowy winter is ahead! Living in New England can be way tooo cold sometimes!

The Freelancer's FashionBlog said...

Ranna : I like spring too, spring is so cheerful and full of excitemement after the winter but it normally goes too fast for me to really like it (as in waiting for the sumemr all the time) and then it can also be so dissapointing sometimes, like when it snows the day before vappu or so...

Melancholic Optimist : yes I shoudl propbaly spend more time outside now than by the computer :)

Q's daydream : thank you! Yes I bet it can be quite raw and grey over there too...

Unknown said...

I used to hate fall, but the older I get the more I do like it ( I am a summer gal, July born)I love all the colors and the new clothes that I get to wear, even if it is just my old fall clothes made new again because I haven't seen them in months.

Oriane said...

Waouh ! Beautiful colors !
In Paris, seasons are not regular. This week-end it was summer, and maybe tomorrow, it'll be very cold !

Anonymous said...

Absolutely gorgeous!!! I think my favorite season is autumn as well (though mid to late spring is a close second). I just love being able to wear cardigans and stockings again--I always miss them during the summertime! Not to mention the colors are just gorgeous this time of year, and there is something so melancholy about everything fading... I'm moving to a warmer climate, and I know autumn just won't be the same there! *sigh*

WendyB said...

If autumn always looked like this, I would like it better.

hope505 said...

Autumn's my favorite too!
* : )
& you look wonderful, as usual

clareassiral said...

I'd love to experience autumn too, sadly it's only rain rain and more rain. That's about the only autumn we'll experience from where i come from.

Your outfit just look so autumny!

esme and the laneway said...

Wow, more beautiful pics! I love your dress, and the patterned stockings are great. Autumn (as you describe it, that is!) is my favourite seaosn too, for more or less the same reasons. :)

Anonymous said...

it's wonderful! like this morning... frost! love it! but i do hope it'll be a proper winter. i don't like rain, whatever the season! lovely pictures. (var någonstans ungefär befinner du dig?)

Veronica_Fraticelli said...

I love your pictures and actually I have some really similare ines- i'm in Umea, Sweden now and autum is similarly beautiful here:) very inspiring. and thank you for the word ,, rowanberies'' - I didn't know how to call them in english. If you want to know the polish equivalent- it's ,, żurawina'':)

Stella Polaris said...

Your dres is gorgeous!
And I find that I'm in love with ideas of the seasons, rather than the seasons themselves, so I'm always a little disppointed when the long awaited autumn turns out to be dreary and grey, or the spring is either too wintery or too summery already, etc. I'm a perpetually disatisfied girl I guess.

ryder said...

you look like a lady from hoolwood gratest years (till 50'). you have that look of h. glamour. that vinatge dress is perfect. i absolutely love it. and the hair style: superb!
fall and its colours, well yes on your pictures..
smoking is bad ;)

but chic as well.

pumps & luiers said...

Autumn is for me the start for wearing stockings!

Nice colours - love the pic of you and the yellow-oranges leaves!


T said...

Hei, saako kysyä missä tuo eka (ja tokavika) kuva on otettu? Mahtavat värit!

Miss Urbanita said...

Amazing colours!!! Kisses.

Mrs Munster said...

Autumn is definitely my favourite time of the year. Your dress & looks stunning as always!

Anonymous said...

Den klänningen är helt fantastisk!

WeirdRockStar said...

Adore autumn! Just like I adore your blog and your impeccable sence of style.

Désirée said...

Älskar outfiten och bilderna.
Det osar höst av dem!

H said...

Lovely pictures as always! Hösten är vacker! Jag tror dock att en anledning till att man har svårt för höst är för att den liksom lovar att det kommer vara mörkt det kommande halvåret. Det här året också.

Miriam Parkman said...

The pictures with you are truly amazing! I love the colours, and how you almost "melt in" with the environment.
Every morning when I go to school with the bus, it's 50 minutes of just looking outside the window, admiring the beaty of the autumn. It's enchanting.

The Freelancer's FashionBlog said...

Thank you Kiitos Tack for all the nice comments once again...

Casey : Oh, where are you moving?

Hope505 : heyyyy! You have a blog now:)

Susanne : Jag är i Helsingfors, fast det visste du kanse redan; i Sörnäs för att vara mer exakt.

La Comadreja Roja : I actually had to look that word up, I've never used that word in English before...

Ryder : Oh your right it's very bad, but a bit of self sarcasm always does one good. One should remember not to take me too seriosuely all the time :)

Tuuli: Kiitos. The pictures are taken besides the slope leading down from the highway (itäväylä) in Sörnäinen. Heh, some of the people in the car were really wondering 'what the hell..?'

Anonymous said...

Oh that gorgeous fall color! It's stayed fairly warm out here, and the trees are just thinking about turning.

I, like you, live in a place with wretched winters and most people think I'm mad for being a summer-hater. But I just loooooove fall!

Kati said...

I love your beautiful photos so much...

What we four say said...

It looks so beautiful there, As do you! Now that I live in sunny California it seems there is no proper fall, at least not so far. I am excited for layers and it seems to be taking a long time to get cold here. Of corse summer in San francisco is always late, so I guess have to get used to summer in fall

Unknown said...

I wish we had autumn here, but we don't. It's 90 degrees one day and then 45 degrees the next.

makemoremistakes said...

gorgeous! that first photo is absolutely stunning!!

Anonymous said...

Voi ei voiko olla totta että mulla on JUURI SAMA mekko kun sulla :D Vintagea sekin tietenkin. Mitkä ovat nämä mahdollisuudet? Oivoi, mutta näytät erittäin hyvältä beibe <3

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

You look so romantic. I do adore autumn colors, but summer is still probably my favorite season.

nitovuori said...

Hi you in pretty dress! I have a challenge for you in my blog!

LIA said...

Fin blogg du har! Jag dammsuger nätet på andra finlandssvenska bloggar och hittade hit.

Anonymous said...

Hi there, just found your blog a while ago and really like your outfits! I'll comment in English so that all of your readers can understand. Anyway, I've heard another saying; that if the trees carry lots of rowanberries it won't be a snowy winter. The trees can't carry both berries and snow. I'm yet to find out if it's true, haha. I'm way up North in Sweden and the trees here are filled with rowanberries. I'd rather have snow than mud though(I have kids...).

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

It's a glorious season indeed... great perfect Fall look. Loving the back ground...hope to hear fm you, you r simply fab!!!

Karin said...

Du har den underbaraste bloggen! har fått många fina tips från den :) Kolla på min blogg

The Freelancer's FashionBlog said...

OliviaRouge : Hah, oikeasti ? Hassua :)

Vasiliisa : Alright, I'll do it :)

Lia : tack! JAg har faktist stött på ganska få finlandsvenska bloggar, men o andra sidan har jag nog inte sökt så mycket heller...

Witch : Oh, I haven't heard that one. I guess I'd prefer one that is not too cold but still snowy. Ohm that's quite the conflict now :)

Lenorenevermore : Oh you'll hear from me for sure :)

Karin : oj tack! Och jo, jag tar och kollar :)

Miss Rascal said...

The fall hasn't even started over here yet.

Alice said...

I love, love, love your dress!! beautiful dress in difficult colour! the photos: simply perfect too.
I think the same about autumn, but here, in Madrid, I have not see those colours in the trees (but her we have a red autumn too).

Thank you for the adresses in Berlin!!! :)

xoxo from Madrid

mapetiteamy said...

Fall is my favorite too :)

Gorgeous pictures!