Tuesday 30 June 2009


I spotted my friend modelling for Viivi Vein and strated browsing around the VV designs realizing I really need that mint green ruffled bag! All the products are unique however so let's see if it's possible for me to get my hands on it - or a similar one!

The Viivi Vein prodcts are made out of all-recycled materials, or consist of revamped vintage products. You can see more of the bags in the slide on her myspace and browse her collection here.


And remember, there are still five more days to sign up for my Chickdowntown giveaway! (It breaks my heart that there's only one dress to give away ond not one hundred :) But try your luck anyway!)


Q's Daydream said...

Wow that bag is amazing! :o)

Anonymous said...

hi girl!
Ive just seen you on FTV,, and you mention your blog,,, so... here I am,,, this is amazing,
really love your designs...
Here is my msn,, add me to your list,, Im from argentina.

see yaaaa

WendyB said...

Oh, yes, that bag is really cute. Unusual color!

Cheryl Lynn Pastor said...

That's a very cute bag. I don't blame you, I'd kind of be fiending for that myself!

Have a great day!

Celeste said...

Your friend is adorable, and the clothes (and every accessory!) are fantastic!

Katja Cintja said...

lovely friend, and cool bag!!

~Rubyredruca~ said...

I love the whole look-except the shoes!

The Freelancer's FashionBlog said...

Q's Daydream : yes, I really love the shape of it - a little bit like a shell or so.

Anynymous Argentinan : Oh thanks! I'd really like to see myself on your FTV too but that's apparently impossible... And I don't use msn, sorry :/

Wendy B : I know. EIther it will go well with everything or then with nothing...

CHeryl LYnn : Hop you're having a great one too :D

Lovely Lady Lessy & Katja : Yes Johanna is great :)

Rubyredruca : Mmm yes I know what you mean. Dark green would be nice, right?

Anonymous said...

That bag is just darling - hope you're able to snap it up!

Taru said...

And I NEED to get that jacket! Love your blog, been reading it since forever.

Jennifer said...

That bag is so adorable. I'll definitly be checking out the site, as I'm currently looking for a new bag for the comming school year. Maybe I'll be able to find something there.

Darrah said...

I'm a big fan of the plaid crop jacket. Very sweet.

lace vixen said...

i would love to shop that collection, there is another bag~mint green~ that i love too! and the ruched skirt. wish i could shop from the states!

calangute beach said...

nice fashion

laura said...

Wow the bag its so amazing, but i been looking forward to recycled printing. Any suggest or help?