It's a little bit like living in the future, don't you think?
Well anyway, I know a lot of blogs go through the past year in pictures or writing, what the blogger did, favorite pictures, the best outfit posts of the year gone by. As most of you should know by now I keep on nagging about how hard it is for me to ever choose between anything, to pick something out other than on random, so such a post has always been impossible for me to make.
But what do you think? What was the best outfit post of 2009?
Or let's not leave it to just outfits, which post did you like best of last year? And once we're really at it, let's not just leave it to just 2009 - what has been you favorite post ever on the Freelancer's Fashionblog?

One of you who take your time to answer will have the chance to win a surprise gift!
It's something small, it's something vintage.
You can participate by commenting and linking to your favorite post here so far. How you answer is of course only of interest for me, it does not affect your chances of winning as I as usual will draw the winner randomly. This contest is open for all you readers out there, regardless of your location. Submit you answers before Friday Jan.15th and don't forget to leave me your email if you don't have a blog or such!
(PS. US & Canada residents, you still have a couple of days to participate in the Aalto giveaway!)
Jag måste nog säga att mitt favoritinlägg är från 27:e september 2008 eftersom det var det första inlägg jag läste och som gjorde att jag fastnade för din fina blogg. Sen har ju alla nästkommande inlägg varit enormt uppskattade också och fått mig att fortsätta följa detta lilla mästerverk till blogg.
MVH, Ulrika
My favourite were your Question&Answer posts. It was nice to get a peek inside the writer of this lovely blog.
It's so hard to choose! I'm enamored of your entire dress collection, but I think I like this one best:
iused to read your blogbefore i even start to write my own!!you have an admiral style!!
the best outfit for the year is the candy one!!
i wish i could look as classy as you do
kisses from greece
Great, great tips to dressing when there really IS a winter! And of course, with style ;)
- Minnie May
Pink Sunday
This is my favorite ever:
This is my favorite post of yours at the moment. I love your illustrations and this one was also educational and funny. I grew up in California but I go to University in Washington State so I've been very curious how people dress to stay warm and still look cute.
hi darling,
for me it must be the step by step one... it inspired me to curl my hair in a different way, to put more of an effort into my make-up, to buy vintage slip dresses (best idea ever), to wear summer dresses in winter as well, to search through the trashy diva site for a nice dress, etctera.
but it isn't the only post that inspires me, of course.
So hard to choose. All your posts are so lovely. One of my favorites is the housewifes post with your friend
Awww, I really love reading all your posts and find your fashion sense so inspiring so it's hard to choose one, but I think since I have to, this is my favorite. I love cardigans and seeing how others pair them up with their wardrobe always catches my eye. I have a pink cardi similar to yours and love the cute little skirt you paired it with!
The outfits are all amazing. I love the vacuum cleaner post ( from this last year, including the imaginary martini.
I think my favorite thing about the blog in general, is that you seem completely un-pretentious, very personable, and it is clear that you are just doing something you really enjoy by posting your outfits, hair tips, burlesque adventures, etc. It's much more enjoyable to read, and I think the posts are more interesting than if you had a more "look at how awesome I am" attitude.
So, thanks for just putting bits of your life out there for people to see, I've really enjoyed reading your blog.
Best wishes for 2010!
I´m also one of those that like the "Anatomy of dressing" blog a lot. My fave outfit from those you posted is the last one cause I really really have a thing (or two) for cute olka dot outfits :-D
I also have to agree with everyone that the anatomy of how to dress when it's very very cold was a brilliant post :)
I loved the post on how to dress for winter! I must say I love all your outfits, much too difficult to pick a favourite. But the winter dressing post was SO handy for me.
My favourite post is Friday 13th, Loving dead : ( )
You two are such a cool couple and I love those old-fashioned pictures of you. I wish I had a boyfriend who did things like that with me.
I also love the animated picture of your walking legs and the one where you only see the shadows of you two.
god....I am helplessly romantic, help me please...
You are a really clever and beautiful woman, your blog is very special !
looking forward to reading you in 2010 ! happy new year !
It's really tough to choose my favorite outfit of yours, even though I only began reading your blog a few months ago so I don't even have a whole year's worth to choose from! I love how you make very retro, glamorous looks not look costume-y for everyday. My favorite, off the top of my head, is the yellow dress you used for one the dress it up/dress it down features. I'm not a huge fan of yellow, but that post really tempted me to go out and buy a sunshine-colored dress! I particularly liked the dressed-down outfit with the autumn-ish accessories.
My favourite looks are:
they are the sweetest. it's really hard to choose 1 because all your looks are adorable
I love your blog and read every single post! Every outfit is amazing and I always learn something new from you. Every post is very creative and natural,so as a result, it is very hard to chose one for me. One of them that stands out the most though, is the response to bloggers who "were concerned" about how much effort you put into your looks. We need more people like you, who don't care about mainstream fashion and dress the way they feel most comfortable and express themselves through fashion and performance!
I just want to thank you for sharing your creativity with us and inspiring us to look our best every day.
oh it's so hard to choose! I loved the one with the soup but then again perhaps that is a bit boring... I actually think this is one of my fav.:
and all your Look-what-I-got-in-the-post-today(and my cats loved it too)-posts!
And of course the brown dotted dress-post - I loved that one too..It's imposible to choose!
Hi there!
I have to vote for the black n pink dress with the´s cute and classy just like u.
Everything is just perfect....
// a big fan
I'm really into hair right now, so I really like some of your step by step hair posts.
(next week I'll probably really like shoes or lips, so perhaps this will change)
But I chose that post because I tried it out for my Christmas outfit, rather loosely but it worked great.
Thanks again for blogging!
I really enjoyed the "dress it up or dress it down" posts.
However I enjoy all your posts, your blog is definately a must read!
Keep up the fab work :)
My favourite:
"--it's impossible to ever wear too many or too big flowers in your hair." Spot-on! I have tried explaining that to my beloved, but still I get comments that my 'do is "quite much" :O
I loved these photos
They are so cool, would love some similar of me and the other half. But I also loved your littlewoods review! is my favourite
regs, Prefecta
it's hard to choose but I would have to say this one because I love a good wiggle dress and it's home made! besides the animal print detail is really cute too!
i LOVED this outfit.
i enjoy reading your blogs, you inspired me a lot!
thanks so much, and happy new year (:
Är min favoritpost eftersom din lila klänning är helt Amazing! Jag kan aldrig släppa tanken på den och aldrig sluta titta på er fantasifulla vackra damer.
i love your style and your blog!
So, so, so hard to chose!
I think I like your outfit posts the best.
Recently came across this blog. I LOVE The styles. fave was the recent one - Anatomy of dressing when it's really cold! :) It was quite cold in Slovakia and I can say it helped me to dress more warmly...and still look good :)
well i never wrote here before, but i've been following your blog for some time now (: i'm carla sophie, from argentina (southamerica!) and the post that i like the most is because it was the first one i saw and it combines two things i love, clothes and cats, (cats more obviously). I found it really sweet and playful and your cats are adorable.
(: just felt like commenting, you're gorgeous<3
This one's easy for me. Although I like so many of your pictures and posts (I started from the beginning and read straight through to the present when I found your blog)my favorite is Candy Sunday.
In this picture you look like the ideal Hitchcock heroine; classy, pretty, cool, innocent, sexy and a little aloof. I think about this color combination sometimes, the soft pink with black and the pistachio color blouse. I'm a costume designer and color in clothing is really important to me. It creates a visceral response. I've passed your blog on to others. Sometimes people just get it right and I think your blog has. Good work and bon chance.
You always look BEYOND fabulous but my fave would have to be that floral playsuit! Super cutness x
I like the post that make me feel compelled to DO something... get creative... experiment with my hair, makeup, fake lashes etc.! I la la loved the 'aloha-twirl' the best. As trivial as it sounds, I had never experimented with using hair from the back of my head and pushing it forward. This has opened up a whole new world for me. Thanks! x x x x
This is my Favorite Outfit post:
My Favorite Posts of 2009 are:
I can't think of a favorite post ever but I did like some of your old posts where you would sketch outfits.
Happy New Year!
Any posts involving your kitty! Hehe, I'm a sucker for black cats (I have one too).
I think my favorite post of this year would be your October 19th post. After viewing the pictures, I realized I had in my closet both a pencil skirt and a very similar blouse. I'd NEVER though about pairing them before. That was the day I raided my closet and "invented" dozens of new outfits!
I just love all your outfits! But my favorite post is the question&answer post and the one when you took some pictures we wanted to see :)
hi! i love,love,love this dress!
I love the way you draw but of all drawings i enjoyed most this ones:
It made me smile - i always dress like that in winter but somehow never looks as good as you do ;)
(My email:
The third on the first row. The pink and black dress. I love the hair too :)
actually i've thought it over and i might agree on some of the other people around here... the brown polkadot dress post has such beautiful colours and it really made me buy the same dress but then in the marine blue version hahaha. maybe i like that one better?
oh so difficult :) Är det bästa inlägget! Jag älskar dina teckningar och sättet du visar att man kan klä sig varmt utan att se ut som en michelingubbe i skidkläder! Snyggt!
I haven't been following you very long but the post I really liked a lot was the one where you wore a blue coat and had a frilly umbrella. I also like the posts where you give ideas on how to dress up the hair as I like upstyles a lot. I also liked the posts about the tattoos!! Prosit & Have a Happy New 10!
It feels strange that it's a new decade now. I still live in 2009. :D Lovely photos, especially the one in which you're wearing the flower skirt!
I started reading your blog last year, so my favourite is from 2009. It's this one:
The photos are very beautiful, I love the sunrays and the last photo is just perfect. :-)
I have to say that my favorite was the Sept 21, 2009 update. Not only did i adore the outfit but it made me get my bike out and take her for a spin in a pretty dress. Thanks!
I enjoy your blog a lot. But my favourite for now is December 17.
I'm living just across the sea (in Lithuania) and is freezing here. And starts to be hard not to look like polar bear. So it was nice to look at and practical.
my e-mail would be ;)
Burlesque New Year Extravaganza! Love the red outfit!
The vacuum post. I always get that one in my head when I think of you.
I stumbled across your blog recently, and was glued from that moment on. I went back and read every blog post you had written (I'm not sure if I should confess that, oh what the hell!). As a lover of vintage and clothing, I can relate to a lot of things you write about. Plus, your humor is hilarious!
As a California girl, you know I love the summer time, so I would have to say my favorite post is this one:
Bikini's & Boots, How can a girl go wrong?! :]
My email address is
Good luck, everyone!!!
You're looking great in all your pictures. Its so hard to pick a favourite! Although I did love your pink and black dress.
I love your perfect combo of vintage and contemporary, so classy!
Fashion X K8.blogspot
Hookay, here we go: My favourite post of all times is "THE ANATOMY OF DRESSING WHEN IT'S REALLY, REALLY COLD".
Because it was not just fun to look at but really affected my life and the way I used to dress during winter. I now have way more fun with dresses and skirts and vintage style during winter. That blog of yours is a wonderful source of inspiration. Thank you!
Oh, instead of posting my email, this is my blog:
Well, well, well... It's impossible to choose one post which I like the most because all your photos, outfits, hairdos are amazing and I follow your blog regularly. Nevertheless I decided on this one:
Mainly because it's sooo long and I really enjoyed reading your personal comments. Please, write more on your notes :)
This was a tough one. As far as outfits go, I think I like this one:, but I love all your hair tutorials, too. I've always been a little dense when it comes to hair, but most of it boils down to just twirling your hair around your fingers!
täytyy sanoa "stage rehesal"
hyvää jatkoa!
Oh this is really hard to choose.
But I think I liked this post best:
Simply because, its beautilful, yet simple pictures. And the dress is just adorable.
I love all of your hair tutorials! My favorite one is this one:
This post is actually what let me to your blog. Had I not been looking for this type of 'do I would have never found you!
I love all of our outfits too! You are so inspiring and have been such an inspiration for my outfits now! This is my favorite outfit :
The dress is awesome and the hair is flawless! Love it!!
Your blog is so inspiring and awesome! I can never wait to see what kind of outfit or hair do you are going to come up with. It has been such a pleasure to read. You seem like such a fun person too! I wish I lived in Helsinki so I could meet you! ;)
I absolutely adore your On Vacation post where it takes us with you through Sweden straight to Denmark. This lovely little travel diary makes me feel as if I were there and captures the little things, you know, the ones that count ;) there is candy, there is cafe, there is flowers, there is swimming, horses, sheep and bikes. Brings me back to summer!!
Off the top of my head, I think my favorite would be this one:
I really like your burlesqeu-post, I'm a true fan and think the 'brulesquelook' is suits you perfect!
I really like your blog, it is really inspiring!
I have many favorite posts, but I must admit that my favorites are those that show who you are, what you do, that sometimes you have a bad day ("ying-yang of the day", it's a nice way to see it), sometimes you have the flu (and you give us some recipe for soup : and also that you have a normal day, full of things, just like everyone else ( However you always manage to do it in style, and that's REALLY something:-))
As a cat person, I also like the posts where you see little kitties in shoe boxes!! :-)
Happy new year!
Nice to see some photos from posts I havent read, must go back before I started reading your blog :)
I love this recent post just cause I love the shoes so much! A favourite colour of mine :)
I cannot choose!!
Really though? I have several favorites, You have been a massive inspiration to me..
Any post of you and your fella, they are very cute though my favorite is of both of you with you in the long velvet dress.
Also love the post with the yellow dress,dressing it up and down.
Then another favorite is your 'step by step' post.. so cute!
...didn't really expect me to choose; did you? :)
I love all your posts but outfits and hair tutorials are my favorite types! :)
Well your sense of style is remarkable, and I love the romper look. My favorite posts are the hair how to's though. You've helped me understand how to pin curl my hair and not make it look flat and stiff. I appreciate it so very much.
I loved the photoshoot you and your friends did with the vintage car. It was cute, and different from a lot of other photoshoots with vintage looks in them.
My favourite was this one :
The lighting in the pictures was beautiful, and I want to steal that coat!
instead of an email I'll leave my blog URL:
i started blogging this year in connection with my ebay selling and your blog was the first i started following! All your posts are super creative and you just have a great balance of vintage versus edgy. I do love the playsuit with stockings look you wore once (its actually in the photo posted above).
And i love seeing how you do your hair! Do you do it everyday? i think its amazing.
Heres my blog =)
Happy New Year
I definitely couldn't choose one, all of your posts have brought joy to me! I am in love with your style an inspiration for sure!
The carob I buy is organic raw powder and is so sweet and delicious (that was breakfast by the way! Pudding for breakfast the perfect start to the day!)
Thanks for stopping by x x
I loved your post 'Step by Step' the best. The outfit in that post was gorgeous and I loved seeing how you got ready. Also, you look glamorous in every step of the dressing, and I love the idea of your constant glamor. Your blog has been fantastic and inspirational all year!
Well, a recent favorite of mine was this one:
--I have this dress, and it inspired me to break it out for winter as well. :)
How Frank Sinatra sings " Oh, the weather outside is frightful,But the fire is so delightful,And since we've no place to go,Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow")
This one
I want to try it so bad!!Looks so yum-o
Please don't make me chose just one post, I couldn't possibly. You were recommended to me before and I had every intention of taking a look but never quite got around to it until about three months ago. Right away I was absolutely hooked and had to read all of you posts in about three days (lucky me, I work from home so I was able to do that). Actually, I did like the list of pros and cons about working from home because it is so true, haha.
Every bit of what you have written has been inspirational. I moved away from home and into a dark, ugly apartment and completely lost track of myself. I stopped talking to friends and wearing makeup and just felt like I had stopped living in general. I've comletely fallen in love with your writing as well as the way you appear to handle yourself-all class. I can't help but wish you were here so that we might be friends-haha. Of course, please don't think I'm a nut, I just wanted you to know that you have changed my life, even if just a bit.
I always look forward to your blogs as if you are Santa and I'm a giddy five year old girl again. In general, they just make me happy and motivated. Whenever a new one pops up, my husband comes home to a yummy meal and beautiful girl like it used to be before we moved. So, thank you for writing.
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