Monday 24 May 2010


-Cars and girls!

Last weekend, just before the rain came and the week-long heat ended, we drove out to a car club to shoot some poster pics for Helsinki Cruising Club.

HCC happens the first Friday of every month from June to September. Radio Helsinki plays great rockabilly and rautalanka (♥) all evening long while the cars cruise. I always tune in. The club itself afterwards is at Nosturi, with acts like Kim Lenz, Rob Coffinshaker, The Barnshakers (at the first club) and us - at every club! But more on that some other time.

Here are some behind the scenes pics, taken by Itty-Bitty Lola M.:
Itty-Bitties in Trashy Diva trixie dresses.

Vera De Vil.

Jackie O'Lantern has a mini Diana!

Oh, tires!

Pickaboo from behind my Taunus (which, although a great car, was not part of the shooting :)

Marko, the photographer. He's really good. He took these (<- click) for example.

Final results to be seen later.


Fiona Timantti said...

Jee jee! :D

Revital said...

you girls look hot!~!! love it!

Q's Daydream said...

these are amazing!

melina bee said...

cars and hot chicks is like mint and chocolate... a decadent match made in heaven

Rosie Unknown said...

The photos are sure to be amazing! I am so jealous of all the cool shoots you do. said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE! Fantastic photos!

P.S.: ♥Please don't forget to join the Miskay jewellery GIVEAWAY!♥

Good luck!

Anonymous said...


Olisin kysynyt Trashy Diva-verkkokaupasta tilaamisesta. Oletko maksanut tilauksen netissä paypalin välityksellä vai soitako kauppaan ensin, kuten sivustolla olevissa tilausohjeissa neuvotaan tekemään (kansainvälisten tilausten kohdalla)? Entäpä kuinka nopesti olet saanut pakettisi?

Blogisi on ehdottomasti yksi suosikeistani ja tyylisi mitä upein! Olen löytänyt blogisi kautta useita ihania merkkejä, jotka tekevät omalle vartalolleni sopivia vaatteita (siis sellaisia, joissa on vielä vyötärö!). Virkistävää luettavaa:D!

BeckyB said...

WoW! Fantastic.
Another note, how does Vera De Vil get that hair colour shade? Tips please!


The Freelancer's FashionBlog said...

Anne : Kiitos :) aj trashy divasta, olen vain tilannu suoraan! Kerran ne mailas perässä ja kertoi että yksi mekko ei ollutkaan enää saatavilla siinä koossa minkä olin tilannu. Mutta muuten kaikki on aina toiminut tosi hyvin, asiakaspalvelu pelaa. Mekot ovat tulleet n. 2 viikon päästä.

Becky B : I think they bleached it first and then coloured it red twice. She needs to colour it quite often and she uses those pigment shampoos for red hair!

LadyAngore said...

How FAB you all look!
Keep up the good work with your blog, you are a true inspiration!

Mrs Munster said...

Fabulous photos and the HCC sounds awesome. These photos just make me wanna jump behind the wheel of my car, blast out some good rockabilly tunes and drive just anywhere in a warm summer night :)

Cláudia Paulino said...

Hello, darling!
I love your blog and I'm always here!
Today I made a post talking about you:

Pass there on my blog to check and know me too!

Kisses with love,
Claudia from BRAZIL

Cheryl Lynn Pastor said...

A cool car full of cool chicks.

pumps & luiers said...

the car is fantastic and all the girl make it even better!