Thursday 13 January 2011


You know when you as a little girl couldn't dream of any more wonderful shoes than the red ruby slippers Dorothy had?

Although my own acute carvings for glittering shoes are long gone I did get myself a pair worthy of those Oz-tastic shoes; black velvet heels covered with small sparkly diamonds!(Yeah, yeah, real diamonds). Perfect for burlesque parties and for shows; one can never sparkle too much on stage.
I got these on sale at Halonen.


germangreeneyedmonster said...

your cat doesn't seem to be too sure about them yet ;-))

Olivia Rouge said...

HALONEN?! jaaha pitääpä piipahtaa siellä huomenna....

Fräulein Regenpfeifer said...

Too cute! She looks so fascinated! :)
And by the way: stunning shoes!!!

Esz said...


woooow they're so gorgeous.
I swear we are shoe twins - in that we have very similar taste. Look what I just bought this morning:

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Oh my god! These are beautiful! They sparkle so nicely in the photos x x

mispapelicos said...

Fantastic shoes. I think you black cat loves them too.

Sara Kristiina said...

Uuu, glamorous!

autumn, coffee and inspiration

The Freelancer's FashionBlog said...

Olivia Rouge : Joo, ostettiin sieltä meille ryhmiskengät, aika paljon juhlakenkiä löytyy kyllä, josta osa o oiekasti ihan hienoja. Ihme juttu.

Esz : oh, what a great shop; on mouseover one sees the shoes worn! The green shoes reminds me of coco nuts! Ina good way. Tiki party! :D

this is cyclogenesis said...

That first picture is priceless; I've felt like that cat so many times when confronted with shiny things...

Emily's Moose - Karolina Kubikowska said...

These are so great!


Diva said...

They look good enough to eat! ;)

Chantele Cross-Jones said...

Wow! Thats all I need to say!

Daisy Dayz Home
Cross-Jones-Photography Home

Esz said...

Hehehe you are so right they do kind of resemble coconuts in a way!

The shop is really fantastic - very fast and cheap shipping even all the way here to Australia.

Solanah said...

Haha! I love that first picture! Darling :)


looloolooweez said...

Beautiful! Both the shoes and the cat, I mean.

Our cat looks JUST LIKE yours, right down to the little white hairs on his chest. Sadly, I do not have shoes just like yours. Those babies are going on the wish list.

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Leather Jacket said...

Really fantastic shoes, black color very much attractive...

Wandabe said...

Mä olen aidosti tehnyt Haloselta hyviä kenkälöytöjä vuosien varrella! Noi ois niin kuumottavat mut hitsinpitsi kun täs Jumbolla ei oo Halosta :/ Mulla kun on tapana käyttää arkena ihan överikenkiä, esim paljettikorkkareita 10cm koroilla töissä (no kun en käy missään baareissa enkä juhlissa).

Ms Wanda said...

That's such a brilliant photo - your cat is so obliging. Mine will never stay still for two seconds and will never be in a photo (unless I don't want her in a photo of course). I'd watch those shoes though. I think she'll wear them to one of her midnight kitty parties if she gets half the chance.

Anonymous said...

Love your shoes!
I actually made my own dorothy-shoes last year for a play and I still wear them from time to time in normal life, because everyone needs to smile, when one sees them.

Steffaree said...

Those shoes are beyond gorgeous! Shiny feet!

Aiu said...

hehee, ihan mahtava toi eka kuva missä katti katsoo kenkiä!

Leia said...

REAL DIAMONDS? Wow! Those shoes are to die for!


Elizabeth said...

Turn your back and kitty go chew chew. Ask me how I know.

Andi B. Goode said...

Oh my. Those shoes are gorgeous.
-Andi x

Evis said...

I still want Dorothy's shoes.

Ninah said...

Åh, älskar bilden högst upp! :D

Unknown said...

Gorgeous, perfect shoes! And beautiful kitty tto. Sarah xxx

Taika said...

Ostin juuri samanlaiset, mutta kultaiset... Ilman rusettia tosin.

PuppyLovePrincess said...

ohmygosh, that first photo is the cutest thing! your cat seems to be hypnotized by the sparkleness...