Now, the thing is -

-that if you have a dress full of liquor brands it totally alright, almost a must-do, to walk around the house with a martini, to have a drink or two on a random Tuesday evening. Or Wednesday.

No drink stays safe for long in this house. (But don't worry, I took her away from the glass pretty quickly. No tipsy kitties in this house!)
Your cat is lovely! And you look fantastic! <3 :)
A great dress!! Love it...looks great on you <3
oh my god, the dress is beautiful and also the cat with his nose in the glass ...
I love this dress! A great reason for a any day drink ;o)
Wow, that dress is absolutely stunning! Lovely!
Oh I concur! And a beautiful dress it is. Along with your cute nosy cat. Our cat only likes drinks with straws, she thinks of the straws as her own personal toy that we were so kind enough to provide her with.
I absolutely love your home decor. The table is amazing!
Wow, that dress is amazeballs!!!
I love the swisty tie thing you've done with your cardi! I may be a copy cat on that one. :)
I love the shape of that dress, it really suits you and is a fun print xx
wow, a liquor printed dress is truly decadent and does require a midweek cocktail. I love your body language/facial expression in the first picture
Sometimes I give my cat some milk in a shot glass so he doesn't feel left out!
Haha! Det där sku bli en snygg tatuering!!! (Lite dekadent bara). Tur är Emil absolutist, han vill bara snusa på vinkorkar. Har du satt halsband på Lulu sen hon rymde/blev utskuffad av Pekka eller har hon alltid haft?
Tasha : of course, everything is alays for the kitties :)
Erin : awww, that's cute!
ina : det är ett punkki-band! Hur bra det funkar vet ja nu sen int.
men ses ikväll! De e ju o rockabilly där på Henry's pub, om man sku gå en sväng dit o? Eddi kommer till stan o, men senare.
Gorgeous dress, it is so fun and a little quirky. Your kittie looks very cute too :)
The kitty might like a "Cat's Meow" instead:
1 oz whiskey
1 scoop vanilla ice cream
If you take away the whiskey I'm sure she would love this drink! ;)
Such an adorable post
Nice and funny pictures ;) ..and there is always a good excuse for a great drink!
...they will say, who was that cool black cat, with the martini...? totally jazz, man!
great photos!
i sooo need that dress!!!
I love the blender! I would have bought it too! :)
We have a cat (also black!) that does the same. She will sneak sips of coffee. Our other cats don't do this.
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