Saturday 12 November 2011


Hello Pori and ladies form there around! (Or why not lads as well...)
Tinker Bell and I as well as the ladies from the Holy Curves are performing in your town (at Kulttuurikulma) the up coming weekend -Friday 18th and Saturday 19th - and we are looking for a pickup girl!
If you'd be interested in strutting on stage placing our props and picking up our glitter as well as getting your share of back stage fun and have the chance to be in Pori one of or on both nights then let us know! Either trough here or then by emailing


Darioszka said...

Wow! Great blog! i love a lot of photos! I read some posts and i will reading new posts ;) I follow you! Darioszka ;)

Nadja said...

great stage photo and very cool styling (costume/hair/make up), reminds me of Boris Vallejo paintings from the seventies :D

Hele said...

you two look great in this photo, love your outfit