Here we are yesterday before going shopping (nothing fancy, just for essentials) and having dinner with all grandparents!

My baby blue cotton dress is from Shabby Apple. I got it a little big in my early pregnancy, so it fits me now. My favorite piece of clothing in general is the shirtwaist dress, as it is so versatile. It is comfy (if the right size of course), practical and easy to dress up and down. Also, it fits you trough different sizes as it still looks good a little loose cinched in the waist, as well as when it's more tightly fitted on you. Plus you can button such a dress down for feeding the baby.
Ihania ootte, äiti ja vauva :) Miltä muuten tuntuu olla äiti? Näytät näissä vauvakuvissa tosi onnelliselta.
Ja kerro heti mitä teet sun hiuksille; ne on tosi nätit!
You look so happy with your wee one :)
You both look beautiful :) I hope you don't find this too intrusive, but I was wondering if you are going to update your profile to include your adorable son.
I love rautalanka, my cats and my car. And most of all my Eddi & Dag.
I have been meaning to comment, congratulations on the mommy title and the beautiful little person. I tag along through google reader, love your wallpaper and remember how much easier it was with baby nr. 2. Wish you everything good and wonderful and fabulous, and things do get easier. You guys will become total pros, parents do eventually. Thank you for sharing. Hugs
Aww he's so tiny! Ha ha but it sounds like you really have your hands full there. You're both looking adorable. x
wow...I can understand what you are feeling...I have a cutie too:-)
He is a real sweetie :) And you look lovely!
I learned early on with my son, to have a bunch of rags handy when changing him- and we covered his genitals with the rag as soon as we opened up his diaper. That prevented the fire-hose effect, and saved our clothes!
The rag we used, was an old t-shirt which we cut up into pieces about 10cm square.
You both look darling. You are a beautiful Mother :)
Grattis till barnet! Han är ju jättelik sin far. Kan tipsa om lindex amningslinnen att ha under andra kläder när man vill amma diskret. Du ska se att du kommer i en hel del kläder om en två månader. Fast just upptill kan det va lite tajt!
Lovely! And allready so pretty: just like mom! :) Have a nice sunday!
Oh gee, it's so funny to read about other mom's experiences. My son is about five weeks older than Dag but things roll exactly the same way over here.
Life is all about the little hungry caterpillars now, isn't it? ♥
Good to read you are finally out of bed and feeling better! you and Dag look very cute :) he's the cat's piyamas :)))
He is so much his Dad :D He looks just like Your husband :D Daddy should be soooo proud :D
You too look good together :D Is he your first child?
Voih, hän on ihana ja äiti kaunis kuten aina. Nähdään joskus livenä!!
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