Ok, I just had to get that said but anyway; I'm going to Tallinn for the weekend. I'm going to attend a huge party there, thrown by one of the companies I'm employed at and the theme is James Bond. Couldn't really find anything at home or in my favourite secondhand store so I went out shopping, which I haven't done for ages. The January sale is still happening and I just looked great in everything I tried on so I let my little visa card do it's thing (and I´ll weep at the end of next month).
Now I just can't decide on what to wear - should I go for the evil agent look in a 60's style dark dress with (fake-)leather applications (from Gina tricot, first time I ever bought anything from there) and my old vintage boots and semi-long leather gloves, or should I just wear a little black dress (from H&M) and long shiny gloves for a more classic Bond-girl look? I was thinking of going as the evil agent and saving the LBD for the Helsinki Burlesque Festival that I'll attend in February but I think I'll take both outfits with me just to be sure...
Like this...

or this?

Tough choice, but I think I'd go for the "evil agent look" (haha hilarious). You'll make a tough and cool agent with all you tattoos and so on.
A burlesque festival? Ugh, you're so lucky! Although if I tried to attend one at my age (15) I'd probably be promptly laughed out.
The sceond outfit! Its too cute..and deadly! Haha, Casino Royale is like the only Bond film I can watch without puking, though that's probably because I think the Mads Mikkelson's Le Chiffre is sooooo handsome.
Chris: it was close but I went for the Bond-chick look anyway
Stephanie: Yes it's going to be a lot of fun, there will be some great performances and a cool band.
And you know the years go faster as you get older (for me atleast) so I'll guess you can attend all the festivals you want realy soon ;)
MissWoo: yup I went for the second one and it was a good choice. Mad Mikkelsen is really handsome but my cheeks still get a bit more red of Daniel Craig , ooooh.
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