Thursday 16 April 2009


You know that 90 % of the time you come to my blog the first thing you'll see is me and my face. Ha! Me me me me me. Well, it's my blog of course. But if you think about it, it's a little...funny. Especially since I talk about my blog as concerning things I like. So then it would seem I like myself quite a lot. But then again I do like myself, most of the time at least. And you should too you know. Like yourself. Narcissism ahoy!

Well enough on the blogsistential crisis and back to business. And since I had nice colours on me today, here's even more pictures! (wohoo.)

(Some years ago I considered brown stocking to be too grannylike, but nowadays they've even beaten the black ones for me.)

Tara Starlet dress, old H&M jakcet, quite new ModCloth shoes and a newly thrifted bag.


Bucca said...

Lovely, those shoes are hot and so is the lill hat! love the whole look though!

KittyMeow said...

You're a fashion blogger - we expect to see a lot of you on the blog :-) I most certainly don't think there is too many photos of you ;-)

Oh and I wish I could steal all your shoes ;-P Hehe they are all so awesome

What we four say said...

Lovely, that last picture is stunning!

Vanessa said...

That first picture is gorgeous! I want to raid your wardrobe sooooo badly. said...

Haha! I have same jacket. Beautiful photos Ulrika!


Leia said...

Lovely, lovely colors. You know, the brown leggings look purple in some of the pictures. And I really love that coat!

Anonymous said...

I love the shoes!

Janina Modaal said...

Eventhough you're dressed in brown, it doesn't look grannylike at all :o).

esme and the laneway said...

blogsistential crisis – that's gold!

You look fantastic, and these pics reminded me to get the berets I've been looking at. Thanks!

I am glad you post your pics; blogging is fun, that's enough for me :)

heini said...

Voih...en kestä...nää kuvat ja SINÄ oot(te) ihan pirun kauniita!!! nää vois olla (taas) kuin suoraan jostain lehdestä:--)<3 taisuoraan menneestä. tai jostain ranskalaisesta elokuvasta vaikka! Voi pojat, olet Kaunis.

Sinilintu said...

Pidän kovin tyylistäsi, se inspiroi feminiinisyyteen pukeutumisessa! On ihanaa olla nainen.

jessica/ said...

you look perfect for spring!

Aliliisa said...

ihana asu! ja oot taas niin huikasevan kaunis :)

Sherin said...

You look beautiful in the pics. And your shoes are truely adorable.

Parapluie said...

Love the colours ans patterns!

Miss Rascal said...

What's not to like?

Unknown said...

beautfiul color combination!

Anonymous said...

I've been eyeing those Modcloth shoes for ages! They look fantastic with this ensemble.

Désirée said...

Och varför inte?
I den svenska mentaliteten i alla fall är det fortfarande fult och tabubelagt att tycka om sig själv eller erkänna att man är bra på något.
Själv skiter jag i det där. Det är en personlig blogg, som handlar om en person och man kan alltid välja om man vill läsa den eller inte, så KEEP THE GOOD WORK, GIRL!

The Freelancer's FashionBlog said...

Oh thanks everybody :) You are always so nice you know that?

Heini: kiitos!

Esme... : yuo, those crisis come and go but yeah in the end it's just for fun!

Sinilintu : joo, on kyllä ihanaa :)

Démo : Tack! Och mjoo det är ju så här också, jantelagen styr och ställer, men jag orkar inte heller bry mig. Och det är sant, man behöver inte läsa om man vill. Fast ibland känns bara hela fenomenet med blogg hit och blogg dit rätt så lustigt, sådär att om nån flr tio år sedan sagt att jag fört nånsags stildagbok på internet med bilder på mig själv hade jag väl inte fattat bågot alls :)

Kati said...

You look so beautiful on the last picture!

Andrea Eames said...

This is one of my favourite outfits of yours! You look amazing.

I've been having a blogistential crisis lately too. Sometimes I worry about being narcissistic. But blogs like yours give me so much enjoyment and inspiration, and I never think "Oh, this person is really conceited." I think, "I'm so happy they're sharing this with me, because it gives me so many ideas."

Down Pillow said...

I love that phrase 'blogistential crisis '. Love your site and the photos!


Anonymous said...

Adore the shoes!!

Mary Lady Luck said...

Pretty Pretty!

pumps & luiers said...

you look great! and totally understand what you're saying - blogging often seems narcistic!

Vertiginoso said...

Oooooooh AND the soft stylish palette of brown is frankly more "Retro GLAMorous" than "grannylike" (Especially with such a sparkling Pin up-esque presence like Yours ) !!!

à Bientôt, Antoine

Rosie Unknown said...

Thanks for commenting! I love the shoes, I thought about buying them! Are they very comfortable?

Miriam Parkman said...

I love the last picture!
When you were berets, I also always think of some old movie, film noir-style. It really suits you!
You've got a mysterious look in your eyes... ;)
I'd love to do a film noir-inspired short movie sometime, with just some mysterious ladies walking around in nice clothes, meeting up some handsome guys in a bar or something. Superclassic, but still, it would be fun. It wouldn't have a story really, it would just be a great show-off of glamorous clothing and mysterious loveaffairs!
I would just love to play that role once... And so do you I guess? ;)

The Freelancer's FashionBlog said...

A Cat of Impossible Color : thank you

Stilettostetico : yes exactly :)

Rosie Unknown : They arepretty easy to walk in due to the rather thick heel. Mine are a little bit too small so I'm waiting for them to stretch, but overall they're ok!

Miriam : Oh yes I would :) You have to do a shoot like that sometimes!

Chelsea said...

I wanted to buy that dress a while ago and now I am even more tempted.

Eve M. said...

NIIIIN kauniita kuvia! Todella ihanat värit. Tunnelmallista. Nam.

Iris said...

What a nice pair of heels!!

Mia said...

You are so gorgeous it should be illegal! Fantastic! Fabulous! ^^ <3

Veronica said...

LOVE the last shot. It's very wistful, in a noir sort of way. Absolutely Beautiful.

Goldswan said...

you have a lovely style !!!

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