What better way to arrive back south from the north and its snowy slopes than to arrive to a warm and sunny spring day? And even better; to find a small package from lovely Rascal Kosher waiting for me at home? With a lovely pink brooch of a small kissing couple and matching earrings in it, form her etsy shop! In fact, it was all so nice that I did not update any software or fill in my company's tax declaration like my schedule said. Instead I had a long lunch with K, enjoyed some carrot cake and ginger tea with Ina and spent the rest of the day looking at my favourite books.

One of my absolute prettiest books is Rob Ryan's This is For You. I think a lot of you know it already, but if you don't, go get it, or at least take a look at it it! Rob Ryan is an artist who cuts his work out of paper and they are amazing. (So amazing it almost gives me a headache, you know, thinking if I were to do that. But I try to forget about the making-of-state and just enjoy his results :)
(Bolero - customized H&M, Skirt - vintage, Scarf - from a left over piece of fabric, Brooch and earrings - Rascal Kosher)
I love this picture!!! I also LOVER carrot cake and ginger tea! :o)
Have you seen these
Sounds like a wonderful day, think I'm going to copy that :)
Beautiful photo! So serene. I want to draw it :-)
You look so pretty on this picture!
Q's Daydream : I could eat carrotcake every day :)
Chelsea : I have, just recently! they're fab.
Idun : Go for it :)
KittyMeow : Oh thanks. And if you do, let me know :)
CathyVoyage : Thank you Cathy.
Amazing picture and the book looks fantastic!
you look so cute!
What a pretty brooch!
I love those cut paper works too, but better not even think about the option of having to do them myself...
You look amazing in the picture! A little like Scarlett Johansson, but prettier.
Voi sullon kyllä ihanat silmät <3 *huoh* :--)
Wow! You look lovely.
Hey, you make my creations look good! :D
(Can I borrow this picture as a reference on Etsy? I gladly send you some earrings or hair flowers for it.)
i love love love the picture! <3
Hi! Love your little bolero. I need one just like that for my wedding. What does "customized" mean? Can I still find it at H&M?? :)
Hello again,
I passed your blog info onto Jamie/Lucky Penny. I figured maybe you two might get acquainted before she gets there,who knows! Life is crazy!
That turquoise is a great color on you!!
you are so pretty!
i have a new blog now:
you look so beautiful! <3.
himla fint foto. du är så vacker.
Oh wow.
That picture of you is completely stunning. The blue hairband is so pretty in your hair.
love that headband.. i've always wanted to be able to wear something like that but i have so much hair, it gets in the way when trying to tie it!
Amazing work, I'd never heard of him before. Oh, and the brooch/Earrings are beautiful, and great fun!
THank you thank you all.
Rascal : Yes of course :)
Cottongrass : I did a little cut-and.sew on a small cardi! It's from last year though so I doubt they have it, but surely they'll have something similar?
Pretty Irate : That's great :) What a small small world we live in...
Bryna : But I have lots and lots of hair too! You just have to roll it properly first (otherwise it'll go just like you said :)
Wow this picture is amazing.
I really admire you for the ability to fix your hair this way! I would give everything to have it like this :'(
Could you possibly tell how youve done it this way? Including the way youve tied the scarf around it. Its splendid!
BTW Im a big fan of your blog :D
Jade : Thanks :)
I'll do a post about hairdo's in general soon! But until then; the thing is that when you learn to do a proper roll/pin curl you can do almost anything with your hair. For this do I rolled my hair towards the middle of my head, and instead of fastening the rolls sideways, by twisting them in the end, I fastened so that it kind of looks like I would have curlers in my hair. (eh, don't know if this text makes any sense to you but I'm doing my best to explain :)
The texture of the scarf is kind of rough so it stays well in place; it has to be long enough to stay well also. I tie it three times around my head and make a bow on top, or sometimes to the side. If I make the bow on top I hide part f it in the scarf, if it's too big I start feeling like Minnie Mouse ;P
Ah I see :)
Thanks a lot for the fast reply!
Well I have tried to pincurl my hair today, and in the end I could do it a bit better then 2 hours previously ;) But no doubt I still need practice.
A Hairdo post would be great! I would appreciate that.
I will get myself an appropriate scarf the next days and try my best to look kind of not too scary!
Thanks again,
No prob :) Pincurling does take some practice but you'll get there! Kind of the same with scarves, play around a coupe of times and you can come up with new styles and ideas! And yup, hair post coming up soon :)
Stunning look - I am in love with your blog so pretty! and you have fantastic style!!!
Love this photo!!!
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