Monday 15 March 2010


You remember this post with it's behind-the-scenes photos?

Out of many to choose from, here are Jackie's beach picnic and Tinkerbell's Burlesque Kahlo final pics:

Photo: Mirva Thil
Make up & styling+ Post production : Jackie O'Lantern

Photo: Mirva Thil
Make up & styling+ Post production : Tinkerbell

You'll see mine soon :)


Retro Model Sari said...

They turned out verrrry cute! I´m curious for more now :-)

melina bee said...

so gorgeous! You look wonderful as a brunette. The first picture especially is wonderful.

The Freelancer's FashionBlog said...

Retro Model Sari : Yes I think they're quite nice! Mine turned out fine too and I'll post some soon :)

melina Bee : oh thanks - I do look nice as a brunette but it's Jackie and Tinkerbell from my burlesque group in these pics! Not so easy to tell perhaps... Iäll post my pictures soon too :)

Wanja B said...

Oh my Good. Soo nice. Nice color. Nice makeup. Fantastic light. I like.

Vanessa said...

Love these-- can't wait to see more!

Tinker Bell said...

Hello honey, something strange happened with my pic, it´s all blurry? Here´s a bigger one with a better resolution in case you want to replace:

<3 T.B.

The Freelancer's FashionBlog said...

Tinkerbell : yes please thank you (It was fb's fault :)

Tinker Bell said...

Thought as much, fb tends to destroy photos :)

Anonymous said...

Love these! Waiting to see yours then?

Cheryl Lynn Pastor said...

Very, very cute. Ultra Retro and that's just fine!

Have a great evening.

Kirschblüten said...

the second is adorable. the colors and the light (which of course doesn´t mean that the first isn´t awesome, too)
good job, girls!