Friday 16 April 2010


I premiered my new spring jacket and wearing heels outside the first time this year!

It wasn't the sunny April day I'd hoped for though, but a rather rainy one. And since not worn before, I didn't realize the jacket shouldn't be worn with a high collar as the one on my blouse sticking out from underneath (as the slave to the details that I tend to be from time to time a thing like that really bugs me and I kept on tucking the collar down all the time). But hey, you can't always get everything perfect straight away now can you? And things are pretty alright and the weather pretty warm anyway :)

(The jacket is from ModCloth if anyone was wondering.)


What we four say said...

So good! Your Coat is gorgeous! Love your hair too! Glad to hear you are getting some nice weather too! :)

Andi said...

I love the bottom trim of your jacket. I'm glad your weather is warming up! I always get so excited when it starts being sunny and warm.

Fräulein Regenpfeifer said...

Wow, very nice outfit! I like the colour combination very much.

Joss said...

You look amazing! Nice combination :)

B said...

*that :P blah blah blah this cardigan rulezz too ;)

B said...

LOVE your HAIR-DO's !!!

A said...

Oh, I love your hairdo! It's so beautiful. :)

WendyB said...

I always feel there's the trial run for new clothes, and then there's the time I REALLY wear it.

Leia said...

you look fabulous! love your coat, your bag, your hair, everything!

Breitling Replica Watches said...

Since the spring is going to end but still we are having some kind of spring fashion updates till now.

The Freelancer's FashionBlog said...

Thank you ladies :)

Wendy B : yes you're right

Replica watches : yes well spring just started over here, that's the way it is up here.

Anaïs said...

Don't worry, I have that collar-thing too. I have to wear a uniform at school, and it really annoys me as it's always sticking out of my jacket IT'S NOT SUPPOSED TO BE DOING THAT! :')

Mademoiselle Balai said...

this is so stylish! i love the combination of the hair, the coat, the bag!
and indeed, i would be bugged by the blouse sticking out as well haha... definitely! maybe you could solve it by wearing a little scarf or something? that's how i usually solve these problems!

ps: i was wondering, i want to buy some clothing at the trashy diva website. are you able to wash those dresses in a washing machine or not? sorry for the practical question haha!


Anonymous said...

lovely outfit! You are so beautiful ♥

pumps & luiers said...

such a stunning jacket - and yesyesyes summer is on its way

Cheryl Lynn Pastor said...

Your hair and makeup is beautiful! I simply LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that coat!

Glad to see that you are having weather that allows for your beautiful heels.

Have a great weekend!

Lucia Del Pasqua said...


tam said...

What a beautiful jacket you look stunning x x

Annakarin Veida said...

You look so pretty! I like.