While I think it's ok to put a
little kitsch or some extra cuteness in the kitchen, and a lot of flair in decorating the bedroom, I like to keep the rest rather simple. But when it comes to the bathroom I think you can go as kitsch or crazy as you like.
Without ever really choosing a theme it became birds for ours, they just started to gather. And why not - I like small birds (and feed them secretly from the window although our building has banned it).

So let's step in and check out the birdies!

The door is covered in
this wallpaper, from
Pip Studio. I love it.

I have a bird poster from
Papaya! on the wall. And a little tweeter on the paper holder too.

And birdie hand towels, also from Pip Studio.

I've attached bird cage mirrors on the otherwise rather dull shower cabinet. The doors slide so sometimes the bird cages are in front of each other too. Which looks nice. The adhesive mirrors are from
OMG! I love it!
Aaaw, so cute :)
I think it looks so cute!
Your bathroom looks lovely :) I am completely in love with that wall paper!
Ohhh, how adorable!!! I've never seen a bathroom with so much character :) I love the wallpaper!
all i need to say is: <3
Very cute! I can't wait to have a new bathroom... our kitchen sink is literally slipping into the floor a disappearing!
Its incredibily cute and romanticly vintage!
Your bathroom is so very sweet! Just love it! ♥ Can you come and do ours? ;)
Xo Mervi
Onpas ihanan näköistä! Miten tuolta nettikaupasta Suomeen tilaaminen onnistui ja paljonko olivat toimituskululut?
Iiris : Pip studio:n tavarat toimitettiin suoraan kotiin lähetillä ja postikulut olivat parikymppiä, kauppa on eurooppalainen eli ei tartte maksaa eroja. Modclothistä olen tilannut tosi paljon tavaraa, vaatteita, kenkiä ja sisustustarvikkeita, uten se kissalamppu ja nää peilit. Postikulut ovat sieltä yleensä n. 30$, ja ne tulevat kans useimmiten lähetilllä. Koska kauppa on jenkeissä joutuu maksaa veroja, mutta kun tilasin peilit + vessapaperiteline nii arvo oli yhteensä sen verran matala että vältyin veroista. Peilit olivat alle 20e.
How very cute! Bathrooms are so boring most of the time, this is one of the nicest ones I've seen.
So bright and cheery! And incredibly inspiring!
I love the sweet little birds. I was thinking about adding a bird theme to my guest room.
So sweet. do you know any more wallpapershops? I'm looking for some pinup waalpaper but can't find any... I love to see how you live;)
The wall paper part on the door actually looks like a decorated glass. Love how you did it :)
How pretty, and cosy, and lovely, and I want to go there and have a look for myself, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so frustating.
Un abrazo fuerte my dear inspiration.
I think you might like to have a look at my daughter´s blog. She is an interio designer of little beautiful things, like life itself
genialt tema! Have to say I find you very brave to go for the bird wallpaper in your bedroom. It's gorgeous, but I would never be bold enough to do so myself. Personally I keep my birds, alive ones, in the cage.
Have just recently become obessed with bird cage patterns- I love this! Its so freah and pretty! xx
Excellent, i was thinkibg the same thing i bought My lolita-toilet-rolls-holder :)
Oh how cute! Very summery, which I'm sure is just bonus in the cold winter. Couldn't helpo noticing the light in your living room. Is that a light for photo taking purposes. It's very funky looking in any case.
Sacramento : the link doesn't work, I tried a couple of different version in case of typos but no. Have to see from your blog then, I guess you will have it linked there :)
Mrs Munster: It looks like a photo lamp but is actually a "normal" lamp :) I saw it just before we started renovating and I was dying to have it!
This is so gorgeous!!Supercute bathroom!Love it! :)
congratulations ... bathroom really nice! If you like, follow me ...
Hei säkin oot rakastunut näihin(kin)!! Löysin tänään Stockalta Pip Studion tyynyn jota olen kytännyt koko piiitkän syksyn - en raaskinut ostaa ennen kuin nyt kun oli -40%. Oon kuolannut nettikauppaakin ja haluaisin tuolta kevään keittiöremontin jälkeen kaikkea ihanaa.
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