Tuesday 7 December 2010


The Itty-Bitty Tease Cabaret (that's us you know) rent rehearsal and work space in a basement of a building in the outskirts of the city centre, our Bitty Cave. Kitsch is the main theme when it comes to decorating there!

We have Modesty Blaize watching us from the wall.

And lots of girls in the bathroom, of course.

Today, during a madly heavy snowfall, we started our first - or well, Finland's first actually - burlesque beginners' class there. (It is fully booked but we might do another one next fall again :)


mispapelicos said...

I can feel you pictures, and the small datails, so important when the weather is cold outside: the candle lights everywhere, flowers in the bathroom, colour lights and pritty pictures. Just what I needed tonight.
Thank you my dear friend in Finland

Katja said...

Would be very nice to have something like that over here... but unfortunatly, the burlesque scene isn't that booming here....
Have fun!

Agence de mannequins Lyon said...

Lovely posted. That's very gorgeous, having a lot of beauty. Thanks for posting.