I've never been much for New Year's promises. I mean, come on.
But, I have however tried it with improvements. Improvements of things I've noticed I don't handle in the most ideal way in daily life. I've however tried improving the same things two years in a row and both times it has gone horribly wrong; I'm even worse than before...

This year I'm going to try and read more.
I have a small pile of books on my bedside table that has been there forever. I should just leave the damn computer and internet alone (sorry guys...)!

I have heaps of books waiting for me as I keep on buying them in a different pace than I actually read them. Goddamit! I also put loads of books on my shelf when packing down my grandparents hundreds of books in boxes for storage in the basement. So many pages, so many words and letters, so little time...

Another thing to improve is the one that I've failed the past years: organize my papers better, instead of giving the pile a go only once a month (if even that). Oh my I am so terribly bad at that, and believe me - I have lots of papers; the regular ones all household gather, my own companies and then the Itty Bitty's company matters. I'd need an assistans (who will work for free and still not screw me over). That improvement would also result in a much more nicer study one could actually spend time in, ahem.

Last but not least I should try to stick to another thing I wanted to start last year already (but did not manage to do, mostly thanks to Teh Internet...); a moment of self pampering each night! Now, you may think that I'd actually do that all the time, yes, in some matters,daily basic stuff like toothbrushing and hair brushing of course (and the occasional
cabbage-do :) - but in the end not that much. I was thinking things like a foot bath, some stretching, a scrub, a calm moment. Something small just a few minutes per evening. Lat year I planned that I'd put fifteen minutes on papers and tidying up per night, and fifteen minutes to myself with something nice.
Well, didn't work out.
Let's see if I'll be better (to myself actually) this year then!
sounds like a plan - good luck!
murakami - i love him.
As long as you do not abandon us...Your plans sound ok.
My advice...just flow with life, and be as happy as you can in every single moment.
Un abrazo fuerte my dear friend.
Sounds like a great idea!!
I need to read more too! Stupid internet!
I also stretch every night. I highly recommend it!
the book problem is the same one I have at the moment. reading is my most favourite thing, but there's no time and because I'm on holidays, I'll now shut down the computer and finish my book.
Love, Jojo
I'm also going through the book thing. I find that taking a book with me everywhere helps; I read at work on breaks and on the train or bus. Also, I knit...so whenever I read, I knit as well and then I feel like I'm doing something productive while relaxing..if that makes sense. I just started this last week, so we'll see how it goes!
Good luck :)
hehe wow you just listed all the things I am rubbish at too! Ugh, filing. Ugh.
I like the idea of pampering yourself a bit every day. Sounds good! Good luck!
'Norwegian Wood' is an absolutely wonderful book!
Good luck with your plans:-)
I feel exactly the same about reading, although I normally read quite a lot-- you shouldn't feel 'guilty' for them piling up unread, though.
"Of course anyone who truly loves books buys more of them than he or she can hope to read in one fleeting lifetime. A good book, resting unopened in its slot on a shelf, full of majestic potentiality, is the most comforting sort of intellectual wallpaper." --David Quammen
I totally sympathise with the point on reading. I have a habit of accumulating more books than I'll ever have the time to read (they are somewhat of a weakness, shh!). It would be wonderful to make time to just sit and take in their stories.
I think you've got a fabulous set of resolutions here. All the best with them!
Great resolutions - but don't pressure yourself about them, if you don't do them then, you will feel bad about yourself. I try to focus on self acceptance, flaws and all. I too only go through my papers once in a blue moon, spend far too much time on the internet and various other TERRIBLE (joke!) character defects : ) Oh well, even Gandhi wasn't perfect.
Bokhög? Check!
Jag beundrar så alla neat freaks som har ordning på allt.Mina papper slängs in i en låda. Out of sight out of mind. Men de ligger ju där i fullständig papperskaos och bara väntar.....som ett dåligt samvete.
Kanske kan du bara förenkla liiite TRE högar. hushåll, business,övrigt?
Det här med och fila prylar. En pärm. Jobbigt. Hålslagare.Jobbigt Ordna.Jättejobbigt. Tre korgar mkt enklare! Men. Good Luck! Hoppas du inte misstycker att jag skriver på svenska, (typ)?
maybe Grande Mama must come and organize the heaps of paper some day, I'm quite good at that actually.
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