kitty fabric arrived! Now, let's see what will come of it.
The biggest question is of course when.

For the moment I'm however working on this, a little thing I need to have ready soon. It's a bit stressful as I haven't really been home properly in two weeks and won't be home much this weekend either. (And no, no pattern papers for me, I usually draw straight on the fabric but in this case I went all hi-fi and use baking paper...)

I'm waiting for the time when one is able to be outside in other than winter boots! And yes, things are melting, but no, rubber boots don't count!

I want my heels. On dry ground. Now. Like these new very sinful red ones.
Oh, not to forget; the
Helsinki Vintage give away!
As much as I like to do give aways I always feel a bit bad at this part not being able to let everybody win... But well, that's the way it is. And this time the lucky one who will get the two tickets was
Oh I want to walk in heels too. I had enough of boots for long. And what is worse, I can't keep my boots clean because of everything melting.
That fantastic kitten material.Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I am so looking forward to see what you will do with it.
Much love and besos.
Have a grand weekend my dear friend.
So cute your kittiefabric and good luck with your project.
The kitties are very cute, but I am LOVING those lavender heels!
Samma sak här, är rätt trött på all snö och is på trottoarerna.
Jag har också de där trefärgade skorna från Skopunkten ;)
You have the best taste in shoes!
Those velvet shoes are adorable!!
Oooh you recieved the kitten fabric, cute!
I love the red ones of the second picture! I always wanted a pair of those...
Omg! The fabric was supercute and I just adore your shoes! :D
The kitty fabric is to-die-for.
Great fabric but I love those Red Velvet Dorothy look shoes,
Miks tuo kitten fabric linkki johtaa johonkin mamelukkien kuvaan? :D enivei itsekin voisin harkita kissakankaan ostamista mekkoa varten koska duh meitä crazy cat ladyja kun sattuu olemaan enemmänkin! Toi ajanpuute tuppaa vaan oleen se yleinen ongelma.. t: miljoona OMAA kangasta odottamassa muuntautumista vaatteiksi
The fabric is just gorgeous. Cannot wait to see the end result.
Olivia : ahahahahaha :D siinä oli copy paste virhe, että mä nauroin ku luin ton sun kommentin! Ajanpuute tässäkin ongelma... löysin sivun missä niiin ihania kankaita että apuka kuolen mutta mullakin taiaa noita pinoja jonkin verran jo löytyä :P
Those red velvet shoes are so gorgeous they have seared themselves into my brain and I will never be happy till I have a pair!
AWESOME fabric!
I want your high heels.. Ihanat!
uhh what are you making? do tell...
A girl can never have too many red shoes and I certanly need a pair real soon. Luckily it is now so warm in denmark that we can wear normal shoes again wohuu;)
And funny enough I'm constructing a dress too to day;)
enjoy the weekend.
blir spännande att se vad det blir av det härliga tyget :) har just börjat läsa din blogg och gillar den väldigt mycket!
Vilka underbara skor, var hittar du dem?
That kitty fabric is adorable, I really can't wait to see the outcome of the dress. Hope, you'll get it done soon. Also love these red suede heels, they're awesome, also not very summery.
That kitty fabric is adorable, I really can't wait to see the outcome of the dress. Hope, you'll get it done soon. Also love these red suede heels, they're awesome, also not very summery.
Love the
Red Shoes , fantastic look.
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