Wednesday 22 May 2013


Every time the first really warm days hits us it's like a huge weight falling from my heart; the recognition that this is what it can feel like outside! Soft and warm. (I decided it is not allowed to get under +20 before mid September, mmmkay?)

So we went on a sunny stroll with Dag, heading to one of the many big parks here in Tapiola.

We landed among lots and lots of green.
Hard to believe that it a little more than a month ago looked like this. (Spring is always the shortest season here...this year we barely had one .)

Dag is still a bit overwhelmed to be directly on the ground, carefully trying everything out. (And that 'everything' usually ends up in his mouth.) But he always sits the first minutes still just touching the grass.

We had a little picnic with cookies, baby crackers and cantaloupe.

Nom nom.
(Not as blissful and calm as I had imagined this though, I had cantaloupe goo all over my straw mat in an instance.)

Taking it easy.

Then we walked home beneath the cherry trees in bloom.


Kstylick said...

So cute! :) I really love to visit this blog!.. By the way, maybe we could follow each other on Bloglovin and/or GFC, Facebook?

Please leave me a comment on my blog and I will follow you!

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Lynn Hasty said...

Lovely pictures, and beautiful baby!!


In store design London said...

Really cute pics.

Anonymous said...

Well, you are lucky you have springtime in there! here in France is still winter time! colder than Russia and Finlandia at this time of the year!
I love your pics, you make maternity look stylish ;-)

Ina - Years Since Yesterday said...

Well... that was short but nice, and now we're way below +20 already :D

manu said...

Very nice stuff and well organised blog. Nice use of different pictures.

Unknown said...

amazing stuff and beautiful Blog, All pictures are awesome
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